Czarownice od Rydzyka
Kiedy zapomina się najbardziej podstawowe informacje - dotyczące przeszłości - cała logika rozumienia historii upada.
Austria jest uważana za jeden z najbardziej katolickich krajów. A jednak katoliccy cesarze kasowali zakony i oddawali ich majątki w ręce gmin.
Na temat "austriackich porządków" stworzono wiele dowcipów. Ale nie podlega wątpliwości - że w porównaniu do rosyjskich - mongolskich porządków - Monarchia Austriacka jawiła się jako państwo prawa.
Cesarz Franciszek Józef I wprowadzał dekretami - tak zwanymi "patentami" rozwiązania prawne - kształtujące politycznie cesarstwo.
Jedne z nich rewolucjonizowały Cesarstwo, inne zatrzymywały w rozwoju. Wielkie tarcia wewnątrz aparatu władzy powodowały że Cesarz nie był konsekwentny. Bardzo często wycofywał się ze swoich idealistycznych reform.
Ale wśród mieszkańców Galicji zapamiętany został z dekretu - który dziś można uznać za irracjonalny.
Otóż do roku 1852* obowiązywały na terenie Europy średniowieczne ustawy kościelne - które pozwalały spalić kobietę za czary.
(Dziś trudno sobie to wyobrazić ale polityka Kościoła niosła ze sobą wiele zbrodni.)
Franciszek Józef I zniósł te zbrodnicze "prawa" i uwolnił kobiety od strachu przed zemstą kościelnych zboczeńców. Bo tylko tak można nazwać ludzi - którzy mordowali kobiety - paląc je na stosie.
Zwolenniczkom Rydzyka zadam więc w tym momencie pytanie : jak by się skończyło ich życie - gdybyśmy żyli w średniowieczu a one popadły w niełaskę swojego "pasterza"?
* O tym dekrecie Cesarza dowiedziałem się blisko 50 lat temu - od swojego dziadka, który żył pod panowaniem CK Austrii. Dlatego nie jestem pewien czy dokładnie pamiętam datę.
8 grudzień 2009
Artur Łoboda
Kazda tradycje mozna odnowic.
Bylabym pierwsza kandydatka do spalenia na stosie.
W logo TV Trwam krzyz satanistyczny z synagogi, gdzie czcza Lucyfera.
Pani Elzbieto,
a nie zastanawiał panią nigdy znak-logo telewizji TRWAM?
Wiem, jak sie opracowuje znaki graficzne.
Widoczny wyraznie odwrócony krzyz nie jest przypadkowym efektem,naturalnie wypływajacym z umieszczenia tam litery "A"
Gdyby projektant chciał umiescic literę "A" zrobiłby to mniej wiecej tak
chociazby dla unikniecie nasuwającego sie natychmiast skojarzenia (jesli nie odbiorcom,to z pewnością jemu samemu) z odwróconym krzyzem
Nie zabieram z reguły głosu, wszyscy (prawie) oswieceni posoborowo.
Zadnej reakcji !!!
Czarna magia
Zdjecie Wojtyly, kiedy robi kolka z palcow i wysyla sygnal do Iluminatow swiata.
Zadnej reakcji !!!
Watykan ufundowal Janowi Pawlowi II Centrum Modlitwy i Studiow nad Pokojem przy 1711 Ocean Avenue , Springlake w New Jersey w willi z widokiem na ocean.
Jednym z celow jest edukowanie Katolikow i ich dzieci do akceptacji Nowego Porzadku Swiata.
New World Order - rules !!!
Zdjecie Benedykta XVI robiacego satanistyczny znak palcami.
Zadnej reakcji !!!
I to nie to, ze nie wiedza. Wytlumaczylam.
Co to jest za obled ?
Czemu nie rozumieja ???
Czy potrafilby ktos przetlumaczyc ponizszy tekst.
Jezeli ja to zrobie, powiedza, ze sfalszowalam.
Freemasonry Is The Talmud Puppet Religion
To Control The Goyim
Freemasonry and the Noachide Laws
Nicholas Owen Society
All Freemasonry is subordinate to Judaism, according to Craig Heimbichner, author of :
The Blood On The Alter : The Secret History Of The Worlds Most dangerous Secret Society.
Is Freemasonry Judaism for gentiles? As early as 926 AD, evidence suggests so :
"1738 is a date to remember. It truly marks the formation of modern Freemasonry and the organization of the grand lodges. It was the year the Book of Constitutions was revised to carry a Protestant meaning and when Article I of this text was altered. In its new form it echoes the charter allegedly issued by Edwin I in 926 AD: 'A mason is obliged by his tenure to observe the moral law like a true Noachid ...and to the three great articles of Noah,' to wit, the prohibition on worshipping idols and false gods, and committing blasphemy and murder." (Paul Naudon, "The Secrets of the Freemasonry: Its Origins and Connection to the Knights Templar, 1991, Inner Traditions, Rochester, Vermont, page 261)
That Freemasonry is Judaism for Gentiles, or Noachidism, can be further confirmed by referring to Judeo-Freemasonry's own reference books: "Noachidae, Noachites. The descendents of Noah. A term applied to Freemasons. Noah having alone preserved the true name and worship of God, amid a race of impious idolaters. Freemasons claim to be his descendents, because they still preserve that pure religion which distinguished this second father of the human race from the rest of the world. And even when his descendents began again, in the plains of Shinar, to forget the Almighty, and to wander from the path of purity, the principles of Noah were still perpetuated by that portion of his race whom the Freemasons of the present day regard as their early predecessors. Hence, Freemasons call themselves Noachidae, or the sons of Noah." (Mackey, Lexicon of Freemasonry, page 324, 2004, Barnes and Noble Publishing, Inc.)
"Noah, Precepts of. The precepts of the patriarch Noah, which were preserved as the constitutions of our ancient brethren, are seven in number, and are as follows: 1. Renounce all idols 2. Worship the only true God. 3. Commit no murder. 4. Be not defiled by incest. 5. Do not steal. 6. Be just. 7. Eat no flesh with blood in it. The 'proselytes of the gate', as the Jews termed those who lived among them without undergoing circumcision, or observing the ceremonial law, were bound to obey the seven precepts of Noah." (Mackey, Lexicon of Freemasonry, page 325, 2004, Barnes and Noble Publishing, Inc.)
"NOAHCHIDAE: The descendants of Noah, and the transmitters of his religious dogmas, which were the unity of God and the immortality of the soul. The name has from the earliest times been bestowed upon the Freemasons, who teach the same doctrines. Thus in the 'old charges,' as quoted by Anderson (Const. edit. 1738, p. 143), it is said, 'A mason is obliged by his tenure to observe the moral law as a true Noachidae." (The Symbolism of Freemasonry, Mackey, available at the on-line religious texts archive.
As the quotes above attest, Judeo-Freemasons are -- and arguably were from the inception of Freemasonry -- Noahchidae, i.e., outsiders at the gate who follow the 7 laws laid down by the Rabbis in the Talmud for gentiles.
The seven Noachide Laws may sound harmless enough if read out of the context of their origin within the Talmudic-Kabbalistic praxis from whence they originated, but in his book "Judaism Discovered", Hoffman clarifies: "The Noachide set-up is above all a legal system which will eventually develop courts and judiciary with the power to impose capital punishment for grievous infringements of the Noachide Laws. One death penalty offense under the Noahide rabbinic legal system is 'idolatry.' Since Maimonides ruled that Christians are idolaters, it is not difficult to see that the 102nd US Congress, and the numerous churchmen who promote submission to the "Noachide" Laws, wittingly or unwittingly, have laid the groundwork for the execution, at some future date, of authentic Christians, individually by trial or en masse. conversely, Maimonides rules that all gentiles who are not followers of the Noachide Law are liable to death. Hilchot Melachim 8:10 states that any gentile who does not accept the Noachide laws should be slain, though this only applies when Judaics have 'undisputed authority over Eretz Israel.'" (Michael A. Hoffman, "Judaism Discovered: A Study of the Anti-Biblical Religion of Racism, Self-Worship, Superstition and Deceit", page 498, Independent History and Research, 2008, available, as of 2008, at revisionisthistory.org.)
That Freemasons, according to their own books, admit to being Noahchidae is only one among many reasons why many Masonologists claim Freemasonry is Judaism for Gentiles. Other reasons include the following: 1) Freemasonry, according to the occult heavyweights and Freemasons who spearheaded the occult revival of the 19th and 20th century agree that Freemasonry is based on the Jewish Kabbalah; 2) The most common symbols of Freemasonry are synonyms of the Seal of Solomon, or the hexagram, which is the accepted symbol of the Jewish Nation and Judaism, thus suggesting emblematically what is stated verbally here; 3) Masons of the Royal Arch Degree of Templar Rite Masonry take an oath to the nation of Jews, and the jewel of that degree is a hexagram with a sun in the center; 4) the rituals of Freemasonry revolve around the rebuilding of the Temple of Solomon: "Take from Freemasonry its dependence upon the temple [of Solomon], leave out of its ritual all reference to that sacred edifice, and to the legends connected with it, and the system [of Freemasonry] itself must at once decay and die". (Albert Mackey, The Symbolism of Freemasonry [Brackets mine]) As if these reasons were not sufficient in themselves to establish the fact that Freemasonry is Judaism for Gentiles, we here have Freemasons telling us that they are called Noahchides, i.e., gentiles who submit the Talmudic Noahide laws.
"For the good of Masonry, generally, but for the Jewish nation in particular. Royal Arch Degree of Freemasonry" -- quoted from Craig Heimbichner's book Blood on the Altar, page 83. Pictured here is the Masonic Jewel, Royal Arch, 7th Degree rite in which York Rite Freemasons pledge allegiance to the Jewish nation. The Masonic jewell of this rite is Solomon's Seal with a sun blazing inside a triange in the center.
End of report
So what does this actually mean? If you look left at the SAALM picture, this is what controls Talmud Judaism. Of course the Talmud is the Sumer Akkadian priest craft's purest doctrine of Satanism carried forth from the Temple of the Sun in Atlantis, hence the terms : Sion and Zion. Both these terms are representations of the Black Sun, most probably the Sirius Sun which our Sun since the synchronisation of our Solar System with the Sirius system after the cataclysms (accepting the idea of a binary system), depicted in Egypt in 4240 BC as the Egyptians alter the calendar from 12 months of 30 days to the present 365 days which is also the Sirius Year Cycle.
Of course the elite bloodlines are obsessed with Sion-Zion, and we know they operate all that is evil in this world, they invaded Egypt from Sumer in two waves and began to re-hash the Egyptian mystery school knowledge and mix into it their own Sumer-Akkadian knowledge to prepare what is known as Kabbalah, which would be formed in the so called captivity in Babylon by the Levite Priests to form the Old Testament. Akhenaton could well have been counteracting this very move by re-asserting our own Sun in place of the Siriun Sun. This of course assumes that the real twin to our Solar System in its binary function before the fall was to the Pleiades Sun Alcyone.
What can be clearly ascertained when one studies history is the fact that this Sion-Zion cult has superimposed itself across every race and culture since the deluge, made so by definition, the Old Testament is a mix of balanced truth and the hell and damnation God, the same with the New Testament. So we can see the blood and guts brigade installing their brand of Satanism in the three main religions by definition of the fact they created or put together the Old Testament in Babylon. This brings us to the next stage in their game which would be the creation of the Templars, by the very same Imperial bloodlines hailing from Sumer-Babylon, of course enabling the coming schism within Christianity known as the reformation. Through the Templars would be formed Freemasonry, which would re-introduce the sex cults of Bacchus and Dionysus under the guidance of the Rosicrucian Order in the event known as the renaissance.
The next move would come in the form of the Theosophical Society which would fuse the Eastern and Western doctrines to further the satanic bloodlines creed across the whole world. This would take a great leap when Alice Bailey on behalf of Queen Victoria, usurped the Theosophical Society from Blavatsky. Alice Bailey while she was head of the Lucius Trust (formerly Lucifer Trust, which is the Publishing company for the United Nations), wrote : 'The Externalisation of the Hierarchy', and duly created 140 New Age religions through which this; 'SAALM' hierarchy could 'externalise itself'. This included a big move into education of which the Global 2000 Report has its root. Bailey wrote that Freemasonry will become the universal religion, between the Church, the esoteric groups and Freemasonry, there is no disassociation between all of these groups.
So we can clearly see that Freemasonry is the Talmud religion for the Goyim, it operates directly for the Talmud Zionists to control all who are not classed as the chosen ones of the Anunnaki god above in the SAALM picture, Enlil. Now I ask you again to look good and hard at the picture above and ask yourself; 'Do you wish to allow this very odd looking Anunnaki representative to control the whole globe'?
Elzbieta Gawlas Toronto
grudzień 21, 2007
Judasz z Warszawy
kwiecień 19, 2004
Artur Łoboda
Polskie durnie
luty 21, 2009
Artur Łoboda
Z frontu walki z nudą
sierpień 11, 2006
Stanisław Michalkiewicz
Zmierzch Blaira początkiem końca globalizmu?
maj 13, 2007
G. Cimek
kwiecień 16, 2006
Artur Łoboda
Gdyby Kopernik był poprawny politycznie
marzec 31, 2006
Dariusz Kosiur
Rola rodzin ziemianskich
kwiecień 2, 2006
przeslala Elzbieta
Roszczenia za błędy medyczne bez przedawnień
luty 8, 2007
A. Sandauer - przewodniczący stowarzyszenia
"Cywilni" Amerykanie - przedsiębiorcy czy też bandyci w Iraku?
kwiecień 9, 2004
Marek Głogoczowski
Bush wprowadza nadzwyczajne Trybunały Wojskowe
luty 24, 2007
tezlav von roya
Jesteśmy niegospodarnym narodem!
listopad 25, 2006
Mirosław Naleziński, Gdynia
"Kazanie" na temat wartosci prawnej Deutero-Testamentu
lipiec 4, 2006
Marek Glogoczowski
List otwarty do Ministra Sprawiedliwości Grzegorza Kurczuka
kwiecień 28, 2003
prof. Jerzy Robert Nowak
O zarobkach lekarzy rodzinnych i konfliktach dotyczących opieki zdrowotnej
styczeń 2, 2006
Adam Sandauer
Dziwne dla Polaków Daty
listopad 27, 2007
Dariusz Kosiur
Izrael tylko dla Żydów. Propozycja zaostrzenia przepisów imigracyjnych
listopad 22, 2006
"Prokuratorzy z Prokuratury Okręgowej w Łodzi, nie złamali prawa"
lipiec 16, 2002
Wyrok zależny od pełnionej funkcji
maj 14, 2006
Mirosław Naleziński, Gdynia
Amerykanie mają do wyboru tylko mniejsze zło
październik 31, 2008
Artur Łoboda