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Marek G's ravings on Belarus and Ilya Ehrenburg "Cracow/Lvov's Plot"

1. Mel Fowler (after his name, an American born and educated in USA?) complained, I quote:

“Mr. Glogoczowski's almost total inability to communicate his thoughts in english, I haven't the foggiest idea what he means to tell me here. (...)

Even if I had the goddam Rosetta stone, I still would be totally unable to figure out what in the hell Mr. G. is trying to say.”

I (M.G.) admit that I wrote my report from Belarus in a hurry, not having much time to “polish my English”. In oncoming days I have to go Caucasus (still in Russian Fed.) to do some small ascents there with my students in mountain climbing. I am sorry for few clumsiness, which I saw in my text once I emailed it in a haste. (for ex. I wrote, in pre-last alinéa, "Oranus mined West is heading..." etc. Of course it should be "Oranus minded West is heading...".)

But these are details. The essential message of Mel Fowler is as follow:

“Perhaps you (Israel Shamir) should consider whether there is anything to be gained by imposing such indecipherable material on your readers.”

This opinion of (educated in USA?) Mel Fowler was contradicted by an opinion of an another shamireader, Marta Olmyk (after name and e-address, an Ukrainian living in Canada?), who understood very well what I had in mind writing my “report from Belarus”. Marta wrote:

Among the ravings by Marek Glogoczowski I found this:

“ In Kiev last autumn, I am not exaggerating at all, “Reason (the Mind) become as fertile as Cullus (the Ass)”. Thousands of dressed in orange tunicas young assholes, sponsored by CIA/Soros agencies, paraded with banners “My Rozum!” (We are the Reason!), singing with enthusiasm “Razem my bohaty” (Together we are rich).”

The phrases in red should read: My razom (We are TOGETHER) and Razom nas bahato (Together we are MANY). There is nothing sinister about this song.

I am surprised and dismayed that you would circulate such rubbish.

To Martha I answered:

In fact, I didn't understood well the Ukrainian slang. I saw posters with this "My Razom (or Rozom)" in Lvow, and I wondered how debile were these banners. (Razom - was for me 'the mind', 'rozum' in Polish, and also Russian "razomnyj tcheloviek"). The same with song "Razom nas bohato". In Polish "bogato" (bohato) means rich, but it may mean in specific situations also "plenty”.

The problem with my misunderstanding of these "newspeak" slogans at Maidan is the same, as the problem with the title of the lecture "theology of process" at our PAP’s conference: our secretary in Philosophy dept. wrote initially "theology of protestants", than "theology of protest", for she (as the majority of participants in our conference at PAP), would not imagine what "theology of process" means, without further explication which process is it.

Similar problem we have in case of slogans "We together", "Together we are many". What (hidden) message these slogans conveyed?

If someone knew where from "orange" manifestants originated, he would quickly realize that these proud (but cognitively empty) slogans meant the following:

"We are numerous at the Maidan Square, for our Sponsor (blessed be his unspoken Name) paid us tickets (predominantly from Lvow, but also from Gdansk, etc.) to travel here. Moreover he furnished us sleeping bags, warmed tents, thick boots, orange dresses, simple but caloric food (in Southern Poland lard has disappeared at that time from shops' shelves), juicy oranges and medicaments to get us (together - razom) "warmer". (Ukrainian National Opposition claims that "Ectasy" tablets were included in 'menu' of these freely distributed drugs.) And we (of course together, it means bohato) had fun at Maidan for our Super Sponsor (blessed be his unspoken Name) supplied our “salvation army” not only with big screens and video clips, but also with famous (and expensive) singers - of course also from Poland. All this in order to keep us, during long autumn-winter evenings, relaxed after our boring job, consisting of incessant yelling, like parrots throughout the whole day, the only one intelligible word "Jutchenko, Juschenko".

To this description of Oranus/Zhopoglav festivities at Maidan I added the following:

By the way, one of my friends at Kraków coined a more intelligent slogan than these, "not fully homo sapiens" ones, repeated incessantly at Kiew's Maidan : "Juschenka USA otwarta na Ukraine": "The Jaw (schenka, szczęka) of USA is already ( juzh, już) open to (swallow) Ukraine."

In other terms the operation “Orange Agent” in Ukraine was a fully military operation, demanding the participation of tenths of thousands of ‘civil soldiers’, transported principally from Western Ukraine and Poland to Kiew, with a complicated (and expensive) logistic support of this “Salvation Army”. Members of Vitrenko’s “National Opposition”, during our Congress in Minsk, told us that “orange revolution” was prepared, in secrecy (by, of course), several years ahead of its realization.

The same told us at Minsk former Soviet cosmonaut, twice the “Hero of the Soviet Union”, V.V. Axenov: We are in the 4WW fought with very unconventional, “freeamerican” means, in particular with the massive use of so called ‘psyops’ (psychological operations).

Ending this my explicatory letter I want to share, with eventual readers of this letter, the e-message I recently received from my Polish friend, who in last years was the Polish ambassador in South America, and who reads, from time to time, my texts posted at various sites of “the web”. After asking me to “limit my antisemitisms” he wrote:

“Do you know the book “TRUST DE” (DE – Destruction of Europe)? Ilya Ehrenburg wrote this (futurist) book in 1926 and in it the TRUST of American Billionaires realizes their plan of the destruction of Europe, and changing it into a desert. It ends (the destruction) in 1940. Evidently there are in his book bombs, mass gassings, and civil wars. The only thing (different from 2WW and today) is that agents of destruction are Frenchmen, which, as an American Judenrat, are the last to be exterminated. This book was never published in USSR (USSR was to be destroyed too), and USA changes into USRUSA. (Oh yes, Ehrenburg describes Bolsheviks as naive idiots, which are finished-off by armed, by France, Poles – there are phenomenal scenes of a plot prepared in Kraków.) So your anti-USA obsession, in the name of rescue of Europe (Asia fights back with its own means) is nothing new.”

This Ilya Ehrenburg’s futurist novel looks as one more version of famous “Protocols”. We have only to read ‘France’ and ‘Frenchmen’ as VATICAN and clergymen, to see this ‘JUDENRAT’, which heavily contributed to the rise of “Solidarity” in Poland and “orangist revolutionaries” in Uniate (with Vatican) countries, not only Western Ukraine but also Lebanon. And the “plot in Cracow’ was realized recently in Lvow, for both cities share the same pro-Vatican “Galizien” spirit. I know what I mean for I am from Galizia/Halicia too. (By the way, it was in Kraków in 1930ies where Felix Koneczny wrote his "futurist" treatise "The Dialogue..." sorry, "The Clash of Civilisations", which become the handbook of globalists of today!)

Post Scriptum. Israel shamir wrote me that "Trust DE" of Ehrenburg was finally published in Russia. As the origin of this futurist novel is considered, I have to explain that in 1921, during the Polish-Soviet War, not Frenchmen but Americans were sending illegally to Poland (it was forbidden by Versailles Treaty) munitions and arms, disguised as "humanitarian help" in trains through Czechoslovakia, from disarmed at that time Germany.

The name of American President, who ordered the smuggling of arms under cover of "humanitarian help" was T. W. Wilson, the same who made USA enter into 1WW (by approved by him explosion of passenger steamer "Lusitania" in secrecy loaded with munitions by British Secret Services in Boston). President Wilson permitted in 1917 that dollar become a "private" currency, owned by the "(American) Trust DE". In 1919 T.W. Wilson received the Nobel Prize of Peace.

Stay with Peace,


18 lipiec 2005

Marek Głogoczowski 



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