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Wielkie pytania o 9/11 |
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Hashtag COVID1984 |
Szczególnie polecamy:
"Tłum uzbrojonych w miecze Sikhów atakuje policję w Nanded po tym, jak rząd zakazał publicznych procesji w związku z p(L)andemią. Tak się walczy o swoje prawa! "
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Magnesy i monety są przyciągane przez miejsca “zaszczepienia” |
Hiszpański rząd przyznał się do powietrznego spryskiwania całej ludności chemikaliami |
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Polskie firmy nie obsługuja POLICJANTÓW |
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Katyn massacre film & Jewish conduct in Poland
Polish film about Katyn Massacre
and the Conduct of Israeli Tourists in Poland
The above is the link to a review about a new Polish film which a Polish friend tells me deals with the massacre by the Soviet Union of the Polish officer corps -- a crime which for years was blamed on the Germans.
It seems that this film is so good it is up for some kind of a film industry prize, even an Oscar.
I doubt if any such film will be granted high accolades. The people who run the movie business may not be too keen on allowing a prize to go to a film which places the blame for a notorious war crime on the Communists rather than the Nazis!
And as it happens, the Zionists have just commenced a propaganda initiative in Poland designed to make the Poles feel co-responsible with the German Nazis for "the Holocaust".
Recently Jan Thomasz Gross, a Polish Jew who left Poland in 1968 to become a U.S. citizen and a history professor at Princeton University, has returned to the land of his birth to promote his latest book "Fear: Anti-Semitism in Poland after Auschwitz".
His technique for securing publicity for his book has been to stage provocative public meetings in Polish cities at which he accuses the Polish people in general and the Polish Catholic Church in particular, of responsibility for massacres of Jews during and after the German occupation.
These meetings caused uproar for, as Time magazine of 23rd January 2008 [ http://www.time.com/time/world/article/0,8599,1706315,00.html ] reported: "......Poland, which lost about 6 million of its citizens in the war -- half of them Jewish -- prides itself on being the only country in Nazi-occupied Europe that did not have a collaborator government."
This kind of vilification of the Polish people by Zionist propagandists has been part of Israeli school curriculum for decades past and it has clearly inculcated among Israelis a hatred for Poland and its people.
For the past several years coach-loads of Israeli teenagers on "Holocaust" tours to Auschwitz are taking over (and trashing) hotels in and near Crakow. Some hotels have refused to take any more Israeli guests after fixtures and fitting were damaged and excrement found in waste-paper baskets and wash basins.
The kosher louts and loutesses are hermetically-sealed from the Polish population by squads of armed Mossad goons who menace and even assault any Poles who try to make the slightest social contact with the little darlings.
The coaches in which they are transported are parked in complete disregard of local parking regulations. Their engines are kept revving all night in residential districts "in the interests of "security".
The illegal activities of these tour groups -- not least the unauthorised firearms possessed by the Mossad minders -- and the complaints of local citizens and traders, are routinely ignored by municipal and national Polish authorities who are fearful of shrill accusations of "anti-semitism".
Such are the fruits of "Holocaust Education Programmes".
I have on file a long report published in a Polish magazine last year recounting the appalling conduct of these teenage Israeli tourists. If anybody would like a copy, they have only to request the same.
Dear Martin,
here you are mistaken: "The people who run the movie business may not be too keen on allowing a prize to go to a film which places the blame for a notorious war crime on the Communists rather than the Nazis!" And this is an archetypal error of the Right. Frankly, your "The people who run the movie business" are Jews, and associated with them forces. You think that for Jews, Nazis are forever the most evil force, while Commies are akin spirit. Jews are not such idealists, as you think. "The people who run the movie business" are first of all American Jews, and they are fully siding with the US, so they want to eliminate every independent force and cause everybody, all mankind to submit to the will of the US, and by proxy to their will. Russia is the real enemy for them, as well China or Iran, Cuba and Venezuela, but they are first of all enemies of Russia, the militarily strongest one. They want to cause more hatred between Russians and Poles in order to implant the US missile stations in Poland and move Nato troops eastwards. This is important real stuff, while fight with Nazis is a nice entertainment. Nazis were defeated in 1945, and modern far right is too weak to matter.
"The people who run the movie business" will give this film an Oscar if it will help to undermine Russia's independence.
Israel Shamir
2 luty 2008
przysłał Israel Shamir
grudzień 2, 2003
Andrzej Celiński.
Living the Life of Riley in Poland
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przysłał ICP
Nacjonalizm, czy kosmopolityzm?
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Dariusz Kosiur
Może to sygnał...
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Mirosław Naleziński, Gdynia
Stłuc Młodego
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Jerzy Robert Nowak
Nie dla PiS, PO, LiD w wyborach da Sejmu RP - 2007 r.
Nie przegrywajmy POLSKI!
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Dariusz Kosiur
Nowe Instrukcje
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Artur Łoboda
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Artur Łoboda
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Mirosław Naleziński, Gdynia
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