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Drugi List otwarty prof. Ryszarda Rutkowskiego 
Panie Ministrze, Szanowni Państwo to prawda "że Internet przyjmuje wszystko", ale na szczęście pozwala też przełamywać rządową cenzurę i autocenzurę polskich naukowców i lekarzy, którzy swoim milczeniem autoryzowali i dalej autoryzują wielokrotnie bezzasadne działania rządu (np. w sprawie przymusowego noszenia maseczek). Dzisiaj bowiem w Holandii, Czechach, Szwecji, na Białorusi miliony ludzi chodzą bez maseczek na twarzy, nie chorują i nie umierają. W Polsce zaś, wbrew opiniom naukowców z Australii, czy USA miliony rodaków, w tym młodzież licealna, studenci i schorowani seniorzy muszą narażać swoje zdrowie nosząc "cudowne" bawełniane maseczki i/lub przyłbice 
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"Górale to męczą konie" 
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WHO: Poprzez zdrowie publiczne do globalnej dyktatury 
Traktat WHO oraz poprawki do Międzynarodowych Przepisów Zdrowotnych to bezpośredni atak globalistów na demokratyczne, suwerenne narody świata (chociaż już wiemy, że tak naprawdę ani one „demokratyczne”, ani „suwerenne”) w celu ustanowienia sanitarnej dyktatury WHO pod pretekstem walki z niekończącymi się pandemiami (a według nowej, zmienionej niedawno przez WHO definicji „pandemii”, pandemią może być dosłownie wszystko - może być „pandemia otyłości”, „pandemia depresji”, „pandemia kataru”, "pandemia alergii", itd.) 
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W przemówieniu Baracj Obama opisuje Chrześcijaństwo odwołaniami do Judaizmu.  
Ludobójstwo COVID- konferencja w Wiedniu 23 październik 2020 
23 października 2020 zespół złożony z Claire Edwards (byłej redaktor pracującej dla ONZ, badaczki i mówczyni), Stevena Whybrow (dziennikarza śledczego, aktywisty, badacza Prawa Naturalnego i mówcy), Lucasa Alexandra (dziennikarza i prowadzącego telewizję internetową Age of Truth) oraz kilku innych osób, doręczył prezydentowi Austrii pismo, które następnie zostało odczytane i wyjaśnione bardziej szczegółowo na konferencji prasowej. 
Wołyń 1943. sł. muz. Lech Makowiecki  
Wołyń 1943. sł. muz. Lech Makowiecki. Utwór z płyty "Patriotyzm" 
Jaki rodzaj zagrożenia przygotowują? 
Pociąg był gotowy już wiosną ubiegłego roku i czekał na stacji w Mediolanie. Teraz jest już oficjalnie w drodze. Co więcej, władze Włoch zapowiadają trzytygodniowy lockdown przeznaczony na masowe szczepienia. 
Warto posłuchać 
Chociaż scyzoryk się w kieszeni otwiera - to musimy zapamiętać takie zdarzenia i przypomnieć przed Trybunałem do spraw zbrodni kowidowych 
Tego preparatu nie można nazywać szczepionką. Nazywam to konstruktem mRNA, rekombinowanym RNA, preparatem, który jest dziełem inżynierii genetycznej.  
Prof. zw. dr hab. Roman Zieliński “O szczepionce genetycznej Pfizera i testach PCR” 
Meredith Miller - Trauma w relacjach ludzi z rządem. Psychologiczne aspekty operacji „Covid-19”  
Jak robi się z ludzi idiotów czy zmanipulowane marionetki i jak ludzie robią to sobie sami !
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"Orange Alarm"

"Orange Alarm" for 2005: secretly planned tribulations in EuroAsia; also other "goodies" from USA, incl. Plague of cellular phones

In December 2004 I received several gloomy forecasts of our close future, including the “Armageddon Syndrome” ever more dominating the Collective Religious Mind of American Publics. So it will be insincere of me to wish to everyone the Happy New Year 2005, for it is already decided “above us” that oncoming years will be the period of “tribulation”: of miseries, famine and other, well planned mishaps for billions of people, with the exception of these “chosen for a rapture”. (To which self-appointed super-species I sincerely wish everyone not to belong.)

But let’s summarize these Not-So-Happy New Year 2005 programs for the Globe.

As the Ukraine is concerned, the so called “orange revolution” will soon furnish its ripe fruits. In Warsaw’s, Soros Gang owned, “Gazeta Wyborcza” of Dec. 15 I’ve read an interview with Olexander Moroz, the leader of Ukrainian “Socialists”, who decisively gave his support to “orange Jushchenko” in the Second Round of recent elections there. This Moroz (whom I met in Kiev last May) declares that privileges acquired by retired Ukrainians in late 2004 – their miserable pensions were raised, in average, from 130 to 280 hrivnas (70 $) – have to be diminished by the oncoming regime of “orange social justice”.

These above mentioned increases of pensions were possible thanks to 11% economic growth in the last year, realized under Jakunovich “criminal” rule as the PM of Ukrainian Government. With presidential elections finally lost by Jakunovich, any not authorized by FMI rise in GNP will be suppressed in this “free” country. It means that for 2005 Ukraine is becoming secretly set up, thanks to the Western “help”, for a “selective famine with overloaded hipermarkets’ shelves”. (Food prices there are hardly 2-3 times lower than analogous prices in USA.) This New, FMI/USA engineered, Ukrainian Free Market Socialism has become the object of horror for not only ordinary Ukrainians, but also for ordinary Russians, where “Jushchenko reforms” are expected to be implemented soon (see in Attachment C, illustrating in what kind of reforms is specialized this Ukrainian “Savior – Robber Baron” with the face stricken by leprosy).

As EuroAsiatic Russia is concerned, its president Putin, during the press conference in Moscow on Dec. 23, said “that he hoped that if Yushchenko came to power there would be no "Anti-Russian" and Zionist policies in the Ukraine Government”. As wrote me my French friend CCG residing at present in New Delhi, “This statement caused such discomfort that it was subsequently amended (by whom?) and it was claimed he had said that there should be no "anti-semitic" policies in Ukraine.

The problem with Putin is that “he hopes”, while IT IS SURE that “Americanized” (by his wife) Jushchenko is going to realize anti-Russian politics: Jushchenko is a kind of a robot in the service of Globalization, which means in the service of USA-Israel’s money elite. Which automatically signifies that he is against sovereignty and wellbeing of any other country, his native Ukraine included. Robot Jushchenko will soon visit Moscow, and of course he will try to infect president Putin with his “leprosy”, which is visible not only on his face, but also in his “bold”, mechanic behavior. In difference to several my friends, I have severe reservations as the pro-Russian politics of Putin is considered. The next month he will travel to Poland at the occasion of 50 anniversary of liberation of (nearly empty in January 1945) Konzentratinslager Auschwitz. So perhaps Putin will express there his congratulations to president Kwasniewski, for this Polish president personal contribution to the installation of Jushchenko as the Master of Ukraine.

This anti-Russian politics of Jushchenko (and Kwasniewski, and Sakashvili, and Adamkus, and so on) is the element of a more general geopolitics of USA, which my corespondent from former Yugoslavia, living at present in Milano, Italy, sadly summarized as follow “Interest USA is a civil war in all Slavic nation. Destruction of Slavic nation is a wining control over glob. Best regard to all from milan.”

I don’t mind whether Russia in a close future will still remain the One State, or will become fractured (as planned by CIA) into 7 States, or even into 51 States at the image of USA. I am concerned rather whether Russia (and close to my heart Ukraine) will be still “vivable” countries, or they will mutate into a set of counties artificially dwarfed and impoverished, from which people will massively flee. The economico-political model, which USA tries to apply to Eastern Europe, is a copy of British politics vs. Ireland in 19 century. On this island, using at this time the Celtic Irish language, thanks to “pre-IMF” reforms imposed by GB, the local famine was organized, which successfully diminished the Irish population by a factor of 2. We can be sure that under Jushchenko’s “pro-western” rule, Ukraine will follow the 19th century Irish example of backward development. (In bordering with Ukraine Poland, at present 40% of fresh university graduates remains unemployed, up to 80% of my former students were forced to seek odd jobs “in the West”, in particular in GB and USA.)

Not only perspectives for Eastern Europe are gloomy, and this despite shining new restaurants and luxury cars mixed with crowds of “empty headed” youngsters flooding today my familiar ski resort Zakopane. This December, thanks to my Pol-Am friend from Florida, I received two significant books, written by “Anti-Americans”. One of these books has the title “WORLD ON FIRE”, and a subtitle “How Exporting Free Market Democracy Breeds Ethnic Hatred and Global Instability”. It was written by Chin-Am Amy Chua (Anchor Books 2004). Its cover, significantly, has the color of “orange alarm”, which color was purposefully chosen as symbol of “revolution” of Jushchenko’s empty headed fans.

The second book “CHOSEN PEOPLE” was written by Briton Clifford Longley (H & S, 2003). It illustrates up to which point the British, and than the American Empires are realizations of projects of worldwide domination prepared in the Bible roughly 2,5 thousand years ago. (This was also my discovery in a paper “L’origine de la globalisation” completed in 2000.) But what is, apart of primitive “domination by a mean of money”, the more general purpose of this Aggressive Industrious Mess, which our Americans ‘under God’ are trying to impose in every spot of our tiny Planet?

As one learns from chronicles of Egyptian priest Maneto (reported by Judeo-Roman historian Joseph Flavius in his “History of Jews”) the mythical, God chosen Israel – which all “Christian” sects, including Vatican, try to imitate – was at its beginning the ‘City of Leprous’, which Civitas Dei, under the leadership of arch-priest Moses made its famous Exodus during the Hyxos domination in Egypt. And this, inherited thanks to Bible, “spiritual leprosy” USA with its auxiliaries of today try to impose everywhere. (See the Attachment B documenting “American Armageddon Plans” for 21 century.)

What than is to be done in order to heal our Planet from “leprosy germs” radiating from the Holy Bible, on which famous book already swore, as a “pre-president”, semper Victor Jushchenko?

Here I will start from a short retrospection from my graduate studies in USA, at the beginning of 1970-ies. Once, while driving back from Squaw Valley ski domain to Berkeley Campus, we drove during the daytime through Sacramento Valley. Observing the unbelievable, industrialo-agro-commercial ugliness of this flat Californian Valley, I exclaimed passionately to my French companion: “They want to kill all people like me!” But let’s return to the our Creative New Year 2005 greetings.

Blaga Doncheva from Sophia (Bulgaria) in her text “USraeli UKRAINE Coup” ( mailed early this December overtly admits that she hates USA, and that this feeling is becoming predominant throughout the world. (With the notable exception of Poland, Western Ukraine, Albania, and perhaps also some African countries, like Nigeria.) After a reflection I realized that such HATE, NOT LOVE is a very healthy feeling, worth to be imitated. So, instead of devoid of practical meaning, greetings of health and successes in affairs in the New Year, I wish to everyone – including these unfortunate ones, who hold passports with insignia of USA – to become USA HATERS IN NEW YEAR 2005!

If you start to hate USA, only good things await you in the future: in a longer term you shall expect not only the automatic improvement of your health and material security, but you also you shall encounter the well deserved esteem of you among members of Homo sapiens species. Few examples:

1. Material security. Exactly a year ago I received a small heritage. And instantly, both out of cool calculation and of hate of bills with pictures of American Presidents and inscriptions “In God We Trust”, I changed these dollars into overtly “masonic” euros. If you do the same now, the Authority of the President of Federal Reserves of USA assures you (in between his verses) that your savings will surely be safer.

2. Health I. During my graduate studies in USA I started to hate cars. And I see now that thanks to this HATE, despite some inconveniences, I am in a very good physical shape, this in a difference to these over obese “average Americans”, and mindless imitators of their life style world wide.

3. Health II. Of course, out of HATE of bad taste, I never put my foot in fast food chains (except their toilets), and you know that this is a precondition of personal wellbeing.

4. Health III. Out of HATE of technics, which I learned at UC Berkeley, despite my initial training as physicist, until 2002 I managed to stay away from the use of computer, and other appliances with the cathode ray tube. Probably due to these efforts to not become dependent of LOVED by Americans technics, until now I do not need to wear glasses, which I wish to everyone too.

After writing these simple “principles of hate”, I realized that unconsciously I repeated principles of MEANINIGFUL LIFE, which were taught and practiced by all Greek philosophers, beginning with Pythagorean Order and ending on Cynics, Stoics and Epicureans. This is what I teach at present. As the ‘American way of life’ is considered, I teach that it is the pious imitation of life of these greedy and fearful imbeciles, which form the core of Biblical heroes.

This last observation implies, that if you HATE USA, you automatically shall start to HATE THE BIBLE, too. And if you HATE “THE GOD OF USA” automatically all these utterly psychotic, popular in USA myths – like this “End of Times” or Armageddon – will transform into hallucinations of priests touched by spiritual (and probably not only spiritual) leprosy: I have in mind not only “prophecies” contained in the “Revelation” of St. John, but also menaces of “God’s fire”, at the approaching End of Time, which are present in “Letters” of St. Paul.

And last, but not least. Although Palestine (contrary to Ukraine) is a place quite distant from my preoccupations, once Moloch of USA starts to weaken, (this out of HATE of Homo sapiens towards this Monstrosity), Jews collected in Israel will automatically seek more decent arrangements with Arabs, whom at present they treat as “superfluous populace”, to be eliminated.

So I repeat. I propose to declare the oncoming year 2005 THE YEAR OF WORLDWIDE HATE OF USA, so the Normal Old Sun, and Normal Old Sky (and not these New Ones from Isaiah’s psychotic prophecies) will shine once again over the Normal Old Earth, liberated from Orange Pincers of Chosen People CANCER.

Let’s me complete these anti-Biblical, anti-End of Times, utterly pagan and pre-Christian, New Solar Year’s Greetings, with words of a “Child’s Hymen to the (eternal) Sun” sung for the first time at Festival of Sopot, Poland in 1963 in the “damned by God (of Jews)” Russian language:


In a free translation to the “God(father) blessed” language: “LET THE SUN, THE SKY, MY MOTHER, AND ME, LET ALL OF THEM, AND OF COURSE ME, LET WE ALWAYS BE!”

Z privietom 2004/05,

31 grudzień 2004

Marek Głogoczowski 



Działoszyce w Telewizji Amerykańskiej
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Iwo Cyprian Pogonowski
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Marek Jastrząb
luty 11, 2003
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