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Root causes of the SARS CoV-2 "epidemic"

Most rulers would gladly take their own societies to the slaughter.
So when such an opportunity arises, some eagerly seize it.

In July 2019, mass protests took place in Chinese Wuhan.
The protests were caused by a project to build a waste incineration plant in the city.

About 4,400 people die every day in China due to air pollution.
And I remember - how I watched this City online during its closure.
Despite the shutdown of most of the industry, leaden clouds still hung over this City.

Another problem for the Chinese authorities was the mass protests in Hong Kong - where Chinese laws are slowly being introduced.

You could say that the "epidemic" has fallen to them from heaven.
In one moment they pacified the entire Chinese nation.

According to Chinese data - about 20,000 people died because of the "virus".
How does this relate to the daily death toll of 4,400 due to environmental degradation?

In France, there had been protests of "yellow vests" for over a year - which the French government was completely unable to deal with.
Macron's "Chinese epidemic" has fallen "out of the sky."
At one point he pacified his entire society.

In Poland, the performance of Andrzej Duda was falling down.
And yet the rulers dreamed of his victory in the first round of the presidential elections.
It seemed to them that it was enough to block the political campaigns of the opposing candidates and then make "envelope elections".
But as the losers of Pisz, they screwed up.

In Russia, Vladimir Putin wants to establish a lifetime presidency for himself, because their constitution allows only two terms.
He has already castled the office of President and Prime Minister once.
In order to solve the Parliament that was not favorable to him and to call early elections - and thus lead to changes in the Constitution - he announced an "epidemic" in Russia.

The actions of the Italian authorities are completely incomprehensible to me - because there, apart from the terrorist confinement of people in their homes, mass medical murders were committed.
The general strike in 2019 and the subsequent - smaller strikes of public transport - and aviation workers in 2020, were not, in my opinion, a sufficient reason for such a crime.
But that's my criterion of value.

None of the ruling tyrants has questioned the credibility of the alleged "tests" on SARS CoV-2.
Only African leaders did this - when they found out that these supposed "tests" detect "disease" in plants.

Also Alexander Lukashenka did not take advantage of the idea for Covid-19, because his power was completely sufficient for him. And as you can see, he was not afraid of losing in the presidential elections.
It was the Belarusian "opposition" that called for the introduction of covid terror.

We know very well that people like Bil Gates have been preparing for years for mass vaccination to reduce the population of humanity.
Various psychopaths have their own plans for the world.
But this time someone seemed to step forward, and the rulers took it as a global signal from the New World Order

13 sierpień 2020

Artur Łoboda 





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