What is covid-19?
Worldwide, no reliable SARS CoV-2 test has yet been developed!
So how come people are told that we are dealing with a "pandemic"?
It takes advantage of this media propaganda and PCR tests developed in 1983 by Kara Mullis of the Californian company Cetus.
All serious scientists state outright that these tests do not have a reliable pattern of the SARS CoV-2 virus, and therefore are not very reliable.
Why don't they have such a virus pattern?
Because the SARS CoV-2 virus DOES NOT EXIST!
So where did all these deaths come from?
In March this year we wondered: why are the Slavic Nations "more resistant" to covid-19?
Today we know the answer to that.
SARS CoV-2 testing is a fiction. And in the Slavic countries there are not so many respirators - to kill patients on a massive scale - as was the case in Italy, France and other Western Countries, as well as in the USA!But there are other factors - causing people to die and without respirators.
I found confirmation of this conclusion recently - when I read about ....
"the first dog to die of coronavirus."
The dog lost weight and became lethargic. He was given antibiotics and later steroids. He had a heart murmur.
After the dog had been given antibiotics, a test for "coronavirus" was done and it turned out to be "positive" (!)
For several months, I have been saying that there is NO NEW VIRUS IN POLAND BUT THESE - WHICH PEOPLE HAVE ATTACKED FOR MANY YEARS!
Only the intensity of the alternating magnetic field around us has changed - by increasing the power of cellular transmitters.
Doctors under educated prescribe flu - antibiotics that do not kill the virus, but completely destroy the human immune system.
However, some antibiotics modify the virus's RNA - which allows a vibrating magnetic field to act like a centrifuge.
It is the antibiotics that cause the deaths identified as "SARS CoV-2".
I also do not rule out that there has been some modification to the composition of the antibiotics - last year - which causes all the effects of the alleged virus. "
The intermediates for most drugs allegedly produced in the world are made in China (!)
And maybe last year the Chinese became the first victims of their own chemical factories?
there is no perfect SARS CoV-2 pattern because there is no such thing!
The virus (possibly influenza) is mutated differently - depending on the person - who has been poisoned with an antibiotic.
And the pseudo-tests used in the world confirm ONLY AND EXCLUSIVELY the increase in the amount of RNA and protein substance.
No one can explain in the future that he did not recognize the fictionality of the alleged epidemic.
All pseudo-physicians today who are preaching LIES about some "epidemic" should be stripped of their right to practice and be forced to return all the money they earned in the course of their alleged "work".
1 sierpień 2020
Artur Łoboda
A przetłumaczyć to nie łaska? |
To tłumaczenie mojego tekstu "Co to jest covid-19?"
Może tą drogą świat pozna moje teorie. |
Artur Łoboda
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