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Szczególnie polecamy:
"Tłum uzbrojonych w miecze Sikhów atakuje policję w Nanded po tym, jak rząd zakazał publicznych procesji w związku z p(L)andemią. Tak się walczy o swoje prawa! "
więcej ->


The Ambiguous Symbolism of Wannsee for the Nazis and for Israel

The luxurious mansion known as Wannse Villa, was the site of the meeting, sixty five years ago, which had the purpose to coordinate German ministries to implement the “Final Solution of the Jewish Question.” Wannsse Villa served many very different uses. First it belonged to then richest man in Berlin, Dr. Alekxander Helphand, also known as “Parvus,” a leftist Jewish tycoon, who made money as an arms dealer during WWI and handled German subsidies for the Bolshevik Revolution. “Parvus” was one of the lovers of Polish born German communist leader, Rosa Luxemburg (Rozalia Luksenburg, a Jewess who was staunchly opposed to the independence of Poland).

Helphand was the author of the basic plan for Berlin’s strategy, for elimination of the Eastern Front, by crucial German support of the revolution in Russia. Helphand proposed to recruit Vladimir Lenin, a refugee in Switzerland, and obtained virtually unlimited German money, to convert a clique of conspirators, into Russian revolutionary power.
Helphand’s plan was first dated on March 9, 1915 and later the date was changed to March 9, 1917, as it is registered in the Journal of the German Foreign Ministry.

It is estimated that the German treasury spent equivalent of ten tons of gold, to finance the demoralization and collapse of the eastern front, and make Russia a vassal state of a great German colonial empire. In fact Lenin, whose mother was Jewish, and who surrounded himself, with Jewish revolutionaries, delivered the terms of Russian surrender in the treaty of Brest Litovsk, signed on March 3, 1918. Lenin was considered a traitor by Russian socialists and for this reason he had to use mainly Jewish cadres.

Earlier on July 18. 1917 Lenin was accused by the Russian Ministry of Justice under Prime Minster A. F. Kerensky (1881-1970) and was declared guilty of high treason. Evidence was produced in court, that Bolsheviks received huge amounts of money from the German Government. Helphand was exposed as a German agent, in a treasonable cooperation between Bolsheviks and the German Government. The total expenditure of the German treasury, as mentioned above, is estimated at equivalent to ten tons of gold. Lenin, while crossing German territory, had with him on board of his train six million dollars, thanks to German banker Max Warburg.

Leon Trotsky with an American passport and large amount of money in his hand, departed New York on board of the ship SS. Kristianiafiord, on March 27, 1917 together with 275 Jewish revolutionaries. They were detained in Halifax, Nova Scottia, by the Canadians, who logically thought, that Trotsky may help to stage a revolution in Russia, which would allow a diversion of large number of German soldiers to the Western Front and cause more Canadian soldiers to be killed there.

However, after five days of detention, Trotsky and company were released upon intervention of Sir William Wiseman, partner of Kuhn and Loeb financial firm, and they continued their voyage to St. Petersburg, where they met Lenin in April 1917 in the Russian capital, then in a state of complete anarchy.

The Bolsheviks were not a strong political force when Tsar Nicolas II abdicated on the 15th of March, 1917. Despite this fact, a year later, Lenin was in position, to issue personally, the criminal order to execute the entire family of the tsar in Yekatyrenburgu by a Jewish death squad.

According to a well documented book by Gary Allen entitled “None Dare Call it Conspiracy” Lenin and Trotsky were able to use the money, they brought with them from the U.S. and from Germany, to bribe corrupt Russian officials and hire criminal gangs to grab control of the Russian state, in the middle of an unprecedented anarchy. Lenin and Trotsky proclaimed that “all powers were in the hands of the soviets.” In reality over 95% of the population was against the Bolshevik coup, and had to be coerced by brutal and deadly terror.

It took years for the Soviet power to be consolidated in all of Russia. When about a quarter of a million prisoners, serving time since revolution of 1905, were set free, they contributed to the creation of anarchy in Russia and fall of the Kerenski government, a government which was in process of trying Lenin and Trotsky for high treason. One should remember, that Lenin and Trotsky did not arrive in Russia because the masses wanted them there. They did arrive to autocratic Russia because of politics of Berlin and of Washington.

It should be noticed that the brother of Max Warburg, who resided in Germany, Paul Warburg, was the main architect of the Federal Reserve System in U.S., an institution which played key role in financing American war effort during World War One, while Paul Warburg was its director. Federal Reserve serves as the central bank in control of the monetary policy of U.S. and it has been from the beginning controlled by Jews, and operated legally, free of any veto by the president of the United States.

Allen writes that the Federal Reserve System is a tool used by Jewish conspiracy, thanks to which, international bankers are able to increase, without any limits, state debts and derive from these debts colossal profits, using compounded interest and there by have control over governments unable to pay their debts. During the Wilson administration U.S. debt increased by 800% and it is increasing fast during Bush’s “war on terror.”

Two month before the Federal Reserve Act was passed, the conspiring bankers created the instrument for payment of the astronomical state debts, in form of the federal income tax proportional to personal income, just as Karl Marks had demanded earlier, in his Communist Manifesto.

The bankers had reserved for themselves tax exemptions to minimize their tax burden and freely invest in revolutionary movements and war strategies, which serve the purpose of centralization of power in the name of homeland security etc. which today favors Jewish neoconservatives and gives them a chance to control the government by means of military-industrial-Zionist complex and to collect their profits and compound interests.

Allen believes that during World War One, Bernard Baruch had full control over the US economy, as the head of the “War Industries Board.” This board had been planned twenty years earlier by banker-conspirators. Baruch then obtained for himself over $200 million, in today’s dollars worth billions.

Paul Warburg had to resign from the Federal Reserve System, when it became known in America that his brother Max Warburg, was in charge of German state finances. The third of Warburg brothers, Felix, was a son-in-law of Jacob Schiff, who was the main partner of the New York firm of Kuhn, Loeb & Co. in which firm the three Warburg brothers were also partners. Max Warburg was also in charge of Rothschild bank in Frankfurt, Germany.

Jacob Schiff successfully financed Leon Trotsky, with some $20 million and according to the book by a Russian general Arsene de Goulevich, “Tsardom and the Revolution,” received from Lenin’s government $100 million in gold during 1918-1922, paid directly to the firm Kuhn, Loeb & Co. in New York.

Bolshevik Revolution was financed also by Max Warburg and Olaf Aschberg using money from “Nye Banken” in Stockholm, Sweden. Schiff spent millions for the overthrow of the tsarist government first, then of the Kerensky government and at the same time he spent ten million dollars for help for Jewish population in Russia.

Gary Allen believes that the same bankers dominated the terms of the Treaty of Versailles and prepared the next world war by financing Hitler’s regime, as a “reaction” to Bolshevism and as a trigger mechanism for the Second World War. It is known that at Versailles, in 1918, the French marshal Ferdinand Foche pointed to the free city of Gdańsk and correctly predicted that Gdańsk would be the pretext to start the WWII.

The career of Aleksander Helphand, the builder and owner of the Wannsee palacial residence in Berlin, is described in the book by Z. A. B. Zeman and W. B. Scharlau: “The Merchant of Revolution – The Life of Alexander Israel Helphand (Parvus),” London, Oxford University Press, 1965.

Israel Elephand was born in Berezino, 90 miles east of Wilno, in Minsk province, where poor, mostly illiterate Jews accounted for about half of the population. His first language was Yiddish, which he learned to read and write with Hebrew characters. As a child he spoke very little Polish or Russian. He lived in self-contained Jewish community, for which trade and sex outside marriage, were the only links with the gentiles.

Elephand-Helphand learned Russian and discarded rigid ritual, when his parents moved south to Odessa in 1870. By 1882 he started developing revolutionary believes and read Russian translation of Marks’s “Das Kapital.” He traveled first time outside Russia at the age of nineteen in 1886. Helphand accepted Marks’s revolutionary doctrine and studied history and political economy at the University of Basel, Switzerland in 1888-1891.

His major subject was “Contemporary Economic and Political Problems of Capitalism and Socialism.” He has graduated as doctor of philosophy on July 8, 1891. At that time he considered Germany as the key to Western Europe. For years he lived in poverty and started using pen-name “Parvus” (“barefoot” in the Bavarian dialect).

Helphand was deported from Berlin and in 1893 and a year later worked in Leipzig for “Volkeszeitung.” He soon became editor of the “Arbeiterzeitung.” By 1900 Hephand’s works had such titles as: “Proletariat to use social revolution to destroy capitalism,” “Revolution as the main aim,” and “Only power mattered – everything was permissible.”

In 1903 Helphand tutored Leon Trotsky on strategy of mass strikes and Marks’s original “revolution in permanence,” which later became Trotsky’s “permanent war for communism.” A century later, with the decline of communism, Jewish followers of Trotsky in New York, converted to radical Zionism and created the ideology of neo-conservatism, this time based on a “permanent war for democracy,” for building of a global empire and for benefit of the future hegemony of the state of Israel “from Niles in Egypt to Eufrates in Iraq.”

In 1906, using false papers as Karl Wawerk he traveled in Russia, was caught by the tsarist police and was sent to Siberia without trial, by an administrative decision. Helphand-Wawerk manged to escape. Upon return to Germany Helphand wrote on “Unity of world market and need for free trade as good for revolution.”

In November 1906 he returned to Germany and received mail as “Peter Klein” and became lover of Rosa Luxemburg, Polish-Jewish communist active in Germany. Born to a Jewish family in Zamość in Congress Poland as Rosalia Luksenburg, on March 5, 1870, she had a growth defect and was physically handicapped all her life, which ended tragically, when on January 15, 1919, she was knocked out with a riffle butt and afterwards shot in the head by a member of German nationalist militia known as Freikorps. Her body was thrown into a nearby river. During the years of her political activities she called for a “dictatorship of the proletariat” and always strongly opposed the independence of Poland.

Luxemburg was on January 1, 1919 one of the creators of the Communist Party of Germany (KDP), which took part in German national assembly. KDP participated in the founding of the Weimar Republic, politically dominated by Jews, who established military and industrial cooperation with the Soviet Union. After the death of president Hindenburg, the German Army changed the course of history, and nominated Adolph Hitler as the Chancellor of Germany in 1933.

Twenty three years earlier in 1910 Dr. Alexander Helphand arrived in Turkey and became a successful arms merchant, trader and a political consultant to the Turkish government. After June 28, 1914 the killings in Sarayevo became known in Turkey, he also learned about the ultimatum issued by Berlin to Russia “to demobilize in twelve hours or be in the state of war with Germany,” Helphand preached that “German victory is best for the Turks.” He became propagandist of German victory and wrote the plan registered on March 9, 1915, for subversion of Russia, as mentioned above.

Helphand became leading advisor of the German government and obtained formal withdrawal of the deportation order of 1893, as well as, a permit to travel freely in Germany. As stated above, Helphand obtained unlimited German money to convert a clique of conspirators into Russian revolutionary power. He very strongly opposed independence of Poland, as did all Jewish international organizations including conservatives, Zionists and leftists. Alexander Helphand died of heart attack on December 12, 1924 as the richest man in Berlin in his palatial residence located in Wannsee. In the same building in January, 1942 was held the ill-famous event called the “Wannsee Conference.”

The fortune of Aleksander Helphand, the owner of the Wannsee palace, was made by taking advantage of the fact, that the German government financed the Bolshevik revolution in order to liquidate the eastern front, so that masses of German soldiers could be sent from the east to fight on the western front. The situation of Berlin government deteriorated after the Zionists helped to bring the United States into the war against Germany.

The logic of the risky German strategy is understandable because of the dire situation of Germany, which found itself in a two front war. However, it is harder to understand why the richest and the strongest bankers in the world, mainly Jews, or people closely related to them, financed the Bolshevik revolution, which was promising the confiscation of their wealth.

Among these bankers were such names as Rothschild, Rockefeller, Schiff, Warburg, Morgan, Harriman and Milner. Now it is clear that they were not afraid of the Bolshevik revolution, because they controlled it. This clique helped the Soviets financially, and what is more important by the transfer of western technology. Anthony Sutton described this process in the three volumes of the book on the “Western Technology and the Economic Development of the Soviets,” Stanford University, Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and Peace.

Jewish intervention for bringing the U.S. into the war was rewarded by the British government with the proclamation of “Jewish Homeland” in Palestine in a memorandum addressed to Sir Walter Rothschild, the chief Zionist in England. Known as Balfour Declaration it was signed by Arthur Balfour, British Foreign Minister and dated on November 2, 1917.

The Balfour Declaration was given to the Zionists for their help to bring the U.S. into a war that was strongly resisted by powerful political anti-war forces, which included the first wife of President Wilson. However his second wife was pro-Zionist and she was for the U.S. participation in the war, as it is was described by J. Comelius in “The Hidden History of the Balfour Declaration.” Actually the British were under Jewish pressure earlier, and already in 1903, they proposed “Jewish Homeland in Uganda.” Later, as the Uganda offer did not work, Balfour said to Zionist leader Chaim Wiesman in 1915: “When the shooting is over, you will get Jerusalem.”

When in August 1914, Germany attached Russia, according to the plans of general Schliffen, France was to be defeated quickly, and Russia was to be conquered over a few year period in order to became a colony of the German Empire. However the trench war from Switzerland all the way to the sea shores became stabilized, in a no win situation, already by the end of 1914. The British offensive of 60,000 soldiers in the middle of 1916 was unsuccessful and loses on both sides were about one million killed.

Despite the strength of the pacifist movement in the U.S. the relations with Germany worsened after the Germans attacked on May 7, 1915 the ship “Lusitania” and caused the drowning of some 1200 passengers. Then they attacked the ship “Arabic” on August 19, 1915 and followed with the attack on the ship “Sussex.” Meanwhile, secret new understanding between the British and the Zionists, started in October of 1916, and resulted in major changes in the governments in London and in Berlin.

In 1912 the Germans helped to build a Jewish technical institute in Haifa and in August 1914 the Zionists proposed creation by Germany of a Jewish state on Polish territory, with the capital in Lublin, as a German protectorate, on the future eastern postwar borders of Germany and Austria. The Zionist leader in Berlin, Frantz Oppenheimer assured the government in Berlin that he was German to “the last drop of blood.” (Iwo Cyprian Pogonowski, “Jews in Poland: A Documentary History: The Rise of The Jews as a Nation from Congressus Judaicus in Poland to the Knesset in Israel,” New York 1993, Hippocrene Books Inc. page 297,)

Lloyd George became British Prime Minister of a “war cabinet” and Balfour became the Minister of Foreign Affairs on December 6, 1916. Berlin’s peace offer of December 18 was rejected by Lloyd George, who promised to fight to final victory. This in turn caused intensification of the attacks by German submarines and led to the break of the diplomatic relations between the U.S. and Germany, while the British government was near financial ruin and, in reality, could be bailed out only by the United States.

Zionist agent in German Foreign Ministry, Herr von Kemnitz, betrayed his boss Minister Zimmermann and passed to the British, German secret codes #7500. On January 1917 Tsar Nicolas abdicated and social-democratic government of Aleksander Kerensky was formed, with approval of the U.S. government and of the Zionists leadership.

U.S. declared war on Germany on April 6, 1917 and the British gave credit for this fact to the Zionists and gave them in return the declaration on the “Jewish Homeland” in Palestine in November, 1917. Bolshevik coup gave power to Lenin, also in November 1917. On Lenin’s order, as mentioned above, a Jewish death squad, murdered the entire family of the last Tsar of Russia.

Despite the hostility of all international Jewish organizations, the Poles declared the independence of Poland, on November 11, 1918, as the ceasefire ended the hostilities of World War One. The war ended after a protracted period of blocking of German credits by Jewish bankers worldwide. Also Jewish leaders in German labor unions were able to conduct crippling strikes in German armament industry.

Thus, the Balfour Declaration constituted a payment in return for Jewish role in the defeat of Germany in World War One, while the role of the Jews in the overthrowing of the Russian government, by means of the Bolshevik coup, also was of a fundamental importance for the eventual creation of the state of Israel in Palestine.

During Soviet invasion of Poland in 1920, Lenin attempted to overrun Poland and form a Moscow-Berlin axis, in order to start a world wide communist revolution. General Mikhail Tukhachevsky gave the order to the Red Army on July 4, 1920: “To the west, over the corpse of ‘White Poland,’ on the road to the worldwide conflagration.” (Pogonowski, Iwo Cyprian. “Poland an Illustrated History,” New York: Hippocrene Books Inc., 2000. Page 17.)

There were some six million communists in Germany in 1920, led by people such as mentioned above, Roza Luxemburg (Rozalia Luksenburg), midst bitterness caused by the defeat in 1918. At the time many Germans were ready to accept a communist government, in return for the acquisition of western Poland and the Gdańsk Pomerania region, lands of the former Prussian Partition of Poland, once those lands were occupied by the Red Army.

In 1933 the United States extended a formal recognition of the USSR under the pressure of financiers, mostly Jews. Thus, U.S. saved the Soviets from an economic collapse. At the same time Jewish dominated financiers gave huge loans to the government of Adolph Hitler in order to bring about the WWII, as the next step on the road to a global empire described in the New York Times bestseller “Confessions of an Economic Hit Man” by John Perkins (published by Plume, Penguin Group in 2006). Socialism including the national socialist variety was then useful tool to shape the world for the ultimate goal of one world government.
The Polish victory destroyed Lenin’s hope for the world revolution in the battles of Warsaw and on the Memel River during the Polish-Soviet war of 1920. Polish victory resulted in years of Soviet retaliation against Polish minority in the USSR. Twenty years later the Soviets would avenge this defeat. This happened in 1939, when Poles defended their independence and ruined Hitler’s “best case scenario” for the conquest of the “Lebensraum” for the next 1000 years.
The chronology of Hitler’s efforts to form the Anti-Komintern Pact, and to start a two-front war against the Soviet Union was described by Józef Lipski, Polish ambassador in Berlin 1933-39. Hitler thought that he would have on his side some 600 divisions, including 220 Japanese divisions, this shown on pages 214 and 215, in the above mentioned Pogonowski’s “Poland An Illustrated History History.” Maps of Hitler’s “best case scenario” are compared there with the actual events.

In 1941 the Jewish dominated international bankers mobilized help for the Soviets. In 1943 at the Teheran Conference these bankers were represented by Arvill Harriman, who had a Jewish wife and was in charge the aid from the U.S. to the Soviets in form of entire factories and huge war supplies. At Teheran, Harriman personally contributed to the betrayal of Poland and the decision of Roosevelt and Churchill to extend the Soviet postwar sphere of interest to include Poland with the rest of East Central Europe as the next stage on the road towards the global empire, described by Gary Allen 35 years ago and more recently by John Perkins.

Hitler’s government tried to forcibly relocate the entire Jewish population of Europe to the French island colony of Madagascar, off the coast of Africa. It happened a little more than a year before, the event known as the “Wannsee Conference” on January 20, 1942, the meeting that proclaimed and organized the “Final Solution of the Jewish Question” by Nazi civilian government and SS officials,

In May 1940 H. Himmler stated in his “Reflections on the treatment of People of Alien Races in the East” in his words: “I hope that the concept of Jews will be completely extinguished through the possibility of a large migration of all Jews to Africa…” Hitler’s victory in France seemed by then certain and therefore French colonies would be under German control. Hitler hoped to conclude a favorable peace treaty with England, which was to experience German aerial bombardment and was expected to capitulate as quickly as did the French. The Nazis hoped that the French and the British navy would be at their disposal, for use in the evacuation of all Jews from Europe.

Evacuation plan was set in motion by the Jewish Department of the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs, on June 3, 1940. However Jewish intelligentsia was to be held by the Nazis as hostage against American Jews. On August 15th, 1940, Adolf Eichman released text “Reichssicherheitshauptamt: Madagascar Projekt” according to which one million Jews per year were to be shipped to Madagascar over the period of four years.

Hans Frank, the ruler of the General Government of occupied Poland supported the project of resettlement of four million Jews to Madagascar, rather than deportation of European Jews to Poland. Deportation of Jews was stopped on July 10, 1940 as well as the construction of the Warsaw ghetto was also stopped, according to “ /Madagascar Plan.”

Nazis pretended to give autonomy to Jewish settlement on Madagascar and the Wafen SS was to control and oversee Jewish government on the island and convert it into a “super ghetto” organized as a police state. By June 18, Hitler and Ribbentrop discussed the Madagascar Plan with Mussolini. Goering’s office was to oversee the administration of Jewish economics within the Madagascar Plan, also called “Four Year Plan.”

In Summer of 1940 Hitler had a feeling of victory. France was ready to capitulate and Hitler hope that Britain after heavy bombardment would do the same. Thus, the Nazis expected that the French would turn over the Madagascar colony to Germany in the peace treaty and French and British navies were to be used for transportation of Jews from Europe to Mdagascar. Nazi failure in the Battle of Britain, in which Polish pilots played a significant role, spelled out collapse of Hitler’s notion about the use of the British fleet for evacuation of the Jews from Europe. Thus, by early December or slightly over a year before the “Wannsee Conference” took place, the Madagascar Plan was abandoned entirely by the Nazis.

However, many of the Holocaust profiteers and other members of the Holocaust Industry, do not like to mention the Madagascar Plan or even to admit the significance of the “Wannsee Meeting,” because apparently they would like to claim that the decision to commit the crime of genocide of the Jewish population was born much earlier in Germany or possibly in other areas of Christianity.

Now let us take a little closer look at the Wansee meeting called the “Wansee Conference.” To begin with, this meeting happened soon after the crushing defeat of Hitler’s army in the battle for Moscow. Thus, while the Madagascar deportation plan was conceived during expectation of Nazi victory on the western front, a little more than a year later, the plan for the “Final Solution” was conceived in the realization, that Nazi defeat was possible, especially since the Japanese did not attack the Soviet Siberian army.
Actually, Joahim von Ribbentrop tried on March 28, 1941, in Berlin to convince count Oshima, the Ambassador of Japan, to deliver a "crushing blow" against the USSR together with Germany. The Germans wanted the Japanese to cut the trans-Siberian railway in central Asia and to attack Vladivostok. However the Japanese remembered "Hitler's Nazi-Soviet Pact of 23 August 1939, seen by the Japanese government as a betrayal of the anti-Comintern Pact, reinforced Japan's decision to use Hitler, but never to trust him. The Nazi-Soviet pact was announced during a Japanese military disaster. ... Hostilities ended officially on September 16, 1939..." (Laurie Barber, "Checkmate at the Russian Border: Russian-Japanese Conflict before Pearl Harbour", 2000).
In 1941 when the Germans were advancing deep into Russia, Richard Sorge, the Soviet spy in Tokyo, had on November 1, 1941, informed Stalin that Japan will not resume attacks against USSR in Asia. However, the Japanese sunk several Soviet ships and increased their forces in Korea and Manchuria as if they were planning to attack the Soviets.
Next month, Hitler declared war on the United States four days after the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941. Apparently Hitler made his decision hopping in vain for a Japanese attacks on the USSR, while he was getting reports about American Navy's armed intervention against German submarines in the Atlantic. After the naval battle on Sept 4, 1941 between the USS Grear and a German submarine, President Roosevelt publicly ordered US Navy to shoot on sight any German submarine. ("Oxford History of the American People", Oxford University Press, 1965)
The situation of the German Army on the eastern front suddenly worsened. "On 1 December, [1941] Army Group Centre made a last all-out attack to take Moscow, but the balance of forces favored the defender. ... At down of 3 December, Zhukov's Siberian divisions [100,000 men with 300 tanks and 2000 artillery pieces] crushed through the extended flanks of the [German] Army Group Centre." (Stephen Badsey, "World War II Battle Plans" 2000, p. 98).
The Nazis believed that with the defeat, millions of legendary “Ost Juden” or eastern Jews could migrate into Germany. The possibility of this Jewish migration was what the Nazis wanted to preempt because of their racism and fear of communist victory as well as a fear of Jewish domination, which Germans have already experienced during the Weimar Republic and remembered the horrors such as the Jewish led “Red Republic” of Bavaria.

Actually the legend of the “Ost Judem” or “Beteljuden” was very strongly cultivated by German Jews, who fought for the domination of the German society and did not want the migration of masses of poor Jews from the East. We have to look back to the “golden decade” of Jewish exploitation of Ukraine. The “golden decade” ended with the Chmielnicki’s uprising which erupted in 1648 and slaughtered about 100,000 people. At that time, Ukraine was a province of Poland. The word “Ukraina” is a Polish word meaning the “borderland.”

According to professor Israel Shahak, Jewish leadership in Poland concluded, after the mass killing in the Ukraine, that the Jews will be evicted from Poland in the same way as they have been repeatedly evicted from England, France, individual German states and from Spain.

Jewish financiers started moving their capital out of Poland to Berlin, where they financed the creation of the Kingdom of Prussia in 1701, which Kingdome in 1772 initiated partitions of Poland, at the time under Russian domination. The crime of partitions destroyed the Polish State after nearly a thousand year long history, rich in cultural and political developments. Poland at times was one of the leading powers in Europe during the period from 840 to 1795.

The crime of partition of Poland (1772-1795) violated the Treaty of Westfalia of 1648, at the same time, the size of the Kingdom of Prussia more than doubled, so that it could dominate the 350 independent states and principalities on German territory and eventually unite the whole of Germany, with the capital in Berlin, in 1871. Up till then majority of the population of Prussia was Polish speaking and was exposed to very cruel “boot camp” routines to become Prussian soldiers. The same routines in even more sadistic forms were used in Nazi concentration camps during WWII.

During the take over of Polish provinces, which began in 1772 and ended in 1795 the wealthy and influential Jews, who had ambitions to dominate the Government in Berlin, used the Prussian army to chase out of the new provinces of Prussia the masses of poor Jews, whom they called “Beteljuden,” because they were often seen carrying with them their bed covers. Rich Jews did not like to use poor Jewish girls as servants and they preferred Christian girls, whom they contemptuously called “shiksas.”

Hitler’s grandmother named Schickelgruber served as a maid in a Jewish household in Vienna and after becoming pregnant returned to her village. There hers son Alois was called “Jewish bastard.” Eventually she married and her son Alois Schickelgruber was adopted by a man named Hitler. Had Alois’ kept his original name, the grandson the servant girl, named Adolph, would have had hard time after 1933, to make German people under the Nazi rule greet each other with words “Heil Schickelgruber” instead of “Heil Hitler” or “Heil Sieg.”

The Jews who dominated the Weimar Republik were against mass migration of poor Jews from the East and they helped to keep alive the propaganda against the “Ost Juden,” which propaganda eventually turned deadly for all the Jews in German occupied Europe during WWII. It should be noticed that in the U.S. during the war, rich Jews with German background, did not protest against the atrocities committed on the Jews by the Nazis.

Thus, by the end of January 1942 Jews became the number one target of Nazi killings. Up till then the Polish leadership community was mass murdered starting on September 1, 1939. However, the Polish leadership community continued to be exterminated by Nazis as well as by the Soviets. Unlike Poles the Jews were not victims of mass murder by the Soviets and often many of them served as communist commissars and executioners.

Jews in the NKVD were among Soviet mass killers of the Poles at Katyn and many other places of execution of Poles listed on the NKVD “Katyn List” of 27,000 people, mainly Polish officers, prisoners of war (POW) in 1939-1941. Communist terror was formed in the tradition of the 1000 years of terror of the Rabbis exercised over Jewish communities as described in the books of Israel Shahak and other Jewish writers. The Soviets and their terror apparatus returned to Poland with the retreat of Hitler’s army in 1944.

The death squads, the Einsatzgruppen, were conducting executions of Jews from the beginning of the invasion of the Soviet Union in 1941. The head of the Nazi terror apparatus Reinhold Heydrich issued an order to the Nazi death squads, to take advantage of mass executions of some 30,000 Polish citizens by the NKVD in Soviet prisons during the Summer of 1941. The Nazi executioners were to eradicate evidence of their crimes and to pretend that the relatives, of the Polish victims of the NKVD, were taking vengeance on the Jewish collaborators of Soviet executioners, in such localities as Jedwabne, for example.

Later Jedwabne was exploited by the Holocaust Industry as a recycling of the Nazi propaganda scheme in movies and books about Catholic neighbors killing Jewish neighbors. Holocaust Industry spreads this propaganda in order to claim some $65 billion in damages from Poland, for the benefit of the Holocaust Industry itself. Poles in general are sick and tired of the constant barrage of slander by the Holocaust Industry, that falsely describes Catholic Poles and the entire Catholic Church under pope Pius XII, as partners of the Nazis in the killing of Jews.

Unfortunately very few people in the West realize that Auschwitz was intended and was used to serve as the extermination site to kill Polish leadership. The continuing slanderous campaign in the media is conducted by the Holcaust profiteers and people who support them. This activity is well described by Norman Finkelstein in his book “Holocaust Industry: Reflections on the Exploitation of Jewish Suffering.”

Nazi genocidal intentions towards the Jews are documented most completely in the documentary record covering the Wannsee meeting, in which there is a Nazi estimate of eleven million Jews, including five million Jews in the Soviet Union, which was obviously inaccurate. The minutes of this meeting survived the war. Senior members of the key ministries and institutions were to conduct the deportation and extermination of the Jews at installations designated for this purpose.

During the Nuremberg Trials these minutes of the Wannsee meeting were used extensively and proved that the strategy for removing the Jews from Nazi Germany was changing from encouraging emigration to requiring deportation, forced labor and then systematic killing process, after Jews lost any value as hostages, once Hitler declared war against the United States.

High estimates include 1,200,000 Jews killed by Nazi death squads, the Einsatzgrupen, 3,000,000 in the death camps, 500,000 in main concentration camps and 500,000 in the ghettos including transportation, or in sum possibly over five million Jew, mostly poverty stricken people (Iwo Cyprian Pogonowski, “Jews in Poland: A Documentary History: The Rise of The Jews as a Nation from Congerssus Judaicus in Poland to the Knesset in Israel,” New York 1993, Hippocrene Books Inc. page 326,)

A detailed estimate of mass killings during the twentieth century of a total of 216 million people was made by Milton Leitenberg, of the Center for International Security Studies. There are other estimates of the number of victims, however, all of them agree, that during the twentieth the largest number of people was killed, during the entire history of mankind.

Tragic losses of the Jews represent less than three percent of the total human loses during the twentieth century, which century therefore is often called by historians the “century of death.” Wars and communist governments were the main culprits. In both major causes of suffering, Jewish bankers and ideologues, as well as executioners, played a major role.

The Soviets played a key role in the actual creation of the state of Israel. In March 1947, Andrei Gromyko, Ambasador of the U.S.S.R at the United Nations made the first ever formal proposal in UN to create the state of Israel in Palestine. This happened at the end of series of some sixteen pogroms staged by the NKVD in the satellite countries and after the eviction of some 711,000 Jews, through the “Iron curtain.” Of all of these refugees only 312,000 Jews actually arrived in Palestine.

On August 1946 the Soviets staged the last postwar pogrom in the satellite states. It took place in Bratislava, Slovakia. Before that date there were four pogroms staged in Budapest, Hungary and three in Soviet occupied Poland . The NKVD conducted the remaining pogroms in the other satellite states. (Pogonowski, Iwo Cyprian, “The Pogrom of Kielce,” Culture Wars,”Vol. 26, No 11, November, 2006).

Among Jewish refugees were veterans of the Red Army, who were given Czech weapons free of charge, by the Soviets, so that they could conquer land for the new state, which was recognized by the UN on May 14, 1948, within borders that lasted until 1967.
Earlier, in 1950, the Zionists organized pogroms in Arab states and caused arrival to Israel of some 547,000 Arab Jews.

About one million two hundred sixty thousand Jews were brutally chased out of their homes in Europe and in the Arab states for the purpose of creating of the state of Israel which was made possible by the immigration of some 760,000 Jewish refugees (Pogonowski, Iwo Cyprian. “Poland an Illustrated History,” New York: Hippocrene Books Inc., 2000. Page 224).

The ambiguous symbolism of Wannsee for the Nazis is obviously very different than it is for Israel. In German history the Nazis left a memory of criminal behavior and defeat. The Holocaust Industry and such people as professor Yehuda Bauer of the University of Jerusalem may have political and financial reasons to treat Wannsee as a “silly story,” however for the state of Israel Wannsee is a very real warning to come to terms with their Arab neighbors and not to treat the Palestinians the way Nazis treated Jews.

The Meaning of Wannsee for the Nazis and for Israel
Iwo Cyprian Pogonowski
The luxurious mansion known as the Wannsee Villa was the site of a meeting sixty five years ago whose goal was to coordinate the German ministries engaged in the implementation of the “Final Solution of the Jewish Question.” The event known as the “Wannsee Conference” took place on January 20, 1942, and the meeting (attended by Nazi civilian government and SS officials) proclaimed and mapped out “The Final Solution of the Jewish Question.” All this was done in secrecy, of course. Wannsee was a major departure from the previous Nazi plan to deal with the Jews known as the Madagascar Plan.
The Wannsse Villa had an interesting history that has some irony to it. It was built by one of the richest men in the early twentieth-century Berlin, Dr. Alexander Helphand, also known as “Parvus,” a leftist Jewish tycoon who made money as an arms dealer during WWI and handled German subsidies for the Bolshevik Revolution. Parvus’s mistress was Rozalia Luksenburg, better known as Rosa Luxemburg, a famous Polish-born Jewish communist who together with her lover was staunchly opposed to the independence of Poland.
Already in 1903 Helphand tutored Leon Trotsky on strategy of mass strikes and Marks’s original “revolution in permanence,” which later became Trotsky’s “permanent war for communism.” A century later, with the decline of communism, Jewish followers of Trotsky in New York, converted to radical Zionism and created the ideology of neo-conservatism, this time based on a “permanent war for democracy,” for building of a global empire and for benefit of the future hegemony of the state of Israel “from Niles in Egypt to Eufrates in Iraq.”
Helphand was the author of Berlin’s strategy for elimination of the Eastern Front by means of German support of the revolution in czarist Russia. It is estimated that the German Treasury spent an equivalent of ten tons of gold, to finance the demoralization and collapse of the admittedly barbaric Russian empire. Aleksander Helphand’s career is described in Z. A. B. Zeman’s and W. B. Scharlau’s The Merchant of Revolution – The Life of Alexander Israel Helphand (Parvus), London, Oxford University Press, 1965.
The logic of the new German strategy articulated at the Wansee meeting becomes understandable when one considers the dire situation of Germany fighting the war on two fronts (after Hitler declared war on the United States oa December 11, 1941). In 1941, when Germany attacked Soviet Russia, the Jewish dominated international bankers mobilized help for the Soviets. Help began to pour in from America to Russia: Averell Harriman was in charge of helping the Soviets to fight the Germans.
Before the Wannsee decisions were taken, Hitler’s government considered forcibly relocating the entire Jewish population of Europe to the French island colony of Madagascar. In May 1940 H. Himmler stated the following in his “Reflections on the treatment of People of Alien Races in the East:” “I hope that the concept of Jews will be completely extinguished through the possibility of a large migration of all Jews to Africa.” At that time, Hitler’s victory in France seemed certain and therefore French colonies were considered to be virtually under German control.
Hitler hoped to conclude a favorable peace treaty with England, which was to experience German aerial bombardment and was expected to capitulate as quickly as did the French. The Nazis expected that the French would turn over the Madagascar colony to Germany in the peace treaty. They hoped that the French and the British navies would be at their disposal for use in the evacuation of Jews from Europe. Evacuation plan was set in motion by the Jewish Department of the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs, on June 3, 1940. However, the Jewish intelligentsia was to be held by the Nazis as hostages against the expected intervention of American Jews.
On August 15th, 1940, Adolf Eichman released the text “Reichssicherheitshauptamt: Madagascar Projekt” according to which one million Jews per year were to be shipped to Madagascar over the period of four years. Similarly, Hans Frank, the ruler of the General Government of occupied Poland, supported the project of resettlement of four million Jews to Madagascar, rather than the deportation of European Jews to Poland. Deportation of Jews to Polnad was stopped on July 10, 1940. The construction of the Warsaw ghetto was also stopped at that time (see ).
The Wafen SS was to control and oversee Jewish government on the island and convert it into a “super ghetto” organized as a police state. By June 18, Hitler and Ribbentrop discussed the Madagascar Plan with Mussolini. Goering’s office was to oversee the administration of Jewish economics within the Madagascar Plan, also called “The Four Year Plan.”
Nazi failure in the Battle of Britain, in which Polish pilots played a significant role, spelled out the collapse of Hitler’s notion about the use of the British fleet for the evacuation of the Jews from Europe. By early December (one year before the “Wannsee Conference” took place), the Madagascar Plan was abandoned by the Nazis. Many Holocaust profiteers and other members of the Holocaust Industry do not like to mention the Madagascar Plan or even to admit the significance of the Wannsee Meeting, because they are trying to create an impression that the genocide of the Jewish population was born much earlier in Germany and elsewhere in Christian Europe.
During the spring of 1941 Joahim von Ribbentrop tried on March 28, 1941, in Berlin to convince count Oshima, the Ambasador of Japan, to deliver a "crushing blow" against the USSR together with Germany. The Germans wanted the Japanese to cut the trans-Siberian railway in central Asia and to attack Vladivostok. When the Germans were advancing deep into Russia, Richard Sorge, the Soviet spy in Tokyo, had on November 1, 1941, informed Stalin that Japan will not resume attacks against USSR in Asia. However, the Japanese sunk several Soviet ships and increased their forces in Korea and Manchuria as if they were planning to attack the Soviets.
Next month, Hitler declared war on the United States four days after the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941. Apparently Hitler made his decision hopping in vain for a Japanese attacks on the USSR while he was getting reports about American Navy's armed intervention against German submarines in the Atlantic. After the naval battle on Sept 4, 1941 between the USS Grear and a German submarine, President Roosevelt publicly ordered US Navy to shoot on sight any German submarine. ("Oxford History of the American People", Oxford University Press, 1965)
The situation of the German Army on the eastern front suddenly worsened. "On 1 December, [1941] Army Group Centre made a last all-out attack to take Moscow, but the balance of forces favored the defender. ... At down of 3 December, Zhukov's Siberian divisions [100,000 men with 300 tanks and 2000 artillery pieces] crushed through the extended flanks of the [German] Army Group Centre." (Stephen Badsey, "World War II Battle Plans" 2000, p. 98).
Thus, the Wannsee meeting took place soon after the defeat of Hitler’s army in the battle for Moscow. While the Madagascar deportation plan was conceived during expectation of Nazi victory on the western front, the plan for the “Final Solution” was conceived in the realization, that Nazi defeat was possible, and that with the defeat, millions of the feared “Ost Juden” or eastern Jews, could migrate into Germany. The possibility of this Jewish migration was what the Nazis wanted to preempt because of their racism, fear of communist victory, and fear of Jewish domination which Germans had already experienced during the Weimar Republic.
Thus, by the end of January 1942 Jews became the number one target of Nazi killings. Up till then the Poles were number one victims from September 1, 1939. Both Nazis and Soviets had prepared before the war lists of thousands of members of Polish leadership community to be executed. The Soviet execution of Poles started following their attack on Poland on September 17, 1939 (after they signed ceasefire with the Japanese on September 15, 1939. and on September 16 the ceasefire was in force; the next day the Red Army crossed Polish border).
The symbolism of Wannsee for the Nazis is obviously very different than it is for Israel. In German history the Nazis left a memory of criminal behavior and defeat. Many Germans realize that it was there that the decision to exterminate the Jews was taken. However, under the influence of the Holocaust industry, historians recently seem to try to blur the line between Wannsee and other events of World War II.
Some Holocaust pundits would like to pretend that such a momentous decision had never been made at Wannsee, that the murder of Jews just happened and was not something that was carefully planned and executed by the German Nazi government. The Wannsee is an inconvenience for present day Germany, and it is even greater inconvenience for the Holocaust industry. So in present-day scholarship the importance of the Wannsee meeting tends to be minimized, even called “a silly story” by such people as professor Yehuda Bauer of the University of Jerusalem. It may be expected that, if untruths about World War II continue to be manufactured, the very word “Wannsee” will disappear from Western memory altogether.

Poland's Pre-WWII Activities Helped to Sow the Seeds of Defeat of Germany in the Global War

For some time now the current "zeitgeist" has portrayed Poland in a rather limited role as a hapless and quickly-defeated first victim of Germany's WWII war machine. The commonly held view is not justified. The Polish Army destroyed in combat one third of German tanks and one fourth of the airplanes used against it. German records indicate that in order to defeat in 1940 the French and British armies, the Germans used less than half as much ammunition, artillery shells, and bombs than was used against the Poles in September 1939. Polish forces stayed engaged against Germany after the bloody battles of September 1939. However, the crucial role of Poland was the derailment of Hitler's strategy already in January 1939.
The derailment of Hitler's strategy by Poland, relates to Poland's pre-war actions in steadfastly refusing repeated overtures to become wartime partners with Germany against the USSR. Poland frustrated Hitler's efforts to build up the anti-Comintern Pact. This is clear in the diplomatic evidence of several years of Hitler's initiatives in order to gain the participation of Poland in a crusade against the USSR. Hitler hoped to have some 600 divisions against the Soviet Union. They were to be led by Germany and Japan. This huge prospective force was to have included some 220 German divisions, 200 Japanese, 100 Polish and 80 of other pact members. Prospective Polish forces were estimated at about 3.5 million men or ten percent of the population.
Ambassador Jozef Lipski documented in his book "Diplomat in Berlin 1933-39" Hitler's declarations since Aug. 5, 1935, that good Polish-German relations were of primary importance to him. He proposed an alliance against Russia, military cooperation, an air pact, etc. However, the government of Poland knew that the essence of the policies of the Nazi government, at all times, was the implementation of the doctrine of Lebensraum which meant eventual annexation by Germany of Poland and other Slavonic countries between the Baltic and the Black Sea.
Poland announced its refusal to join the anti-Comnitern Pact at the worse possible time for Germany. In Warsaw, on January 26, 1939, the government of Poland told Joahim von Ribbentrop, the German foreign minister, that Poland will not join. This happened after the Japanese took two Soviet islands on the River Amur in 1937 and attacked the Red Russian Independent Eastern Army on the border of Manchuko in 1938 and then, at the beginning of 1939, started moving against Outer Mongolia.
The refusal by the Poles to join the pact, shattered Hitler's strategic plans and led the Berlin government to gamble with a rapprochement with Moscow, which antagonized Japan. German predicament was evident when Poland, France and Great Britain exchanged common defense guarantees in March 1939 and Germany faced an eventual two front war if it attacked Poland. It is said that Admiral Canaris upon learning about Poland's rejection of the anti-Comintern Pact told Reinhard Heydrich that Germany did not have enough soldiers to win the coming war. The resulting complications in German-Japanese relations were soon apparent.
Hitler said to Jacob Burkhardt, Commissioner of the League of Nations on August 11, 1939, that: "Everything I undertake is directed against Russia; if the West is too stupid and blind to grasp this, I shall be compelled to come to an agreement with the Russians, beat the West and then, after their defeat, turn against the Soviet Union with all my forces. I need the Ukraine so that they can not starve me out as happened in the last war." (Roy Dennan "Missed Chances," Indigo, London 1997, p. 65). Hitler called the coming conflict "the war of the engines" ("Motorenkrieg"). Ironically the German army used 600,000 horses in addition to the 200,000 trucks, which were less dependable than the horses according to Stephen Badsey, "World War II Battle Plans" 2000, p. 96.
Stalin fearful of a two front war by Germany and Japan against the USSR decided to stop the Japanese Kwantung Army in Manchuko by a Soviet offensive in August 1939. According to The Oxford Companion to World War II (Oxford University Press, 1995) Soviet general Grigory Zhukov was the first in history to use the blitz-krieg tactics. These tactic were developed jointly by the Germans and the Soviets on Soviet polygons after the Treaty of Rapallo of April 16, 1922. From May 28, 1939 the largest air battles in history up to that time were fought in Asia and involved 140 to 200 Soviet and Japanese aircraft (A. Stella, Khalkhin-Gol, "The Forgotten War", Journal of Contemporary History, 18, 1983).
Stalin, concerned that the Japanese aimed to cut the Trans-Siberian railway, send Zhukov to organize a counteroffensive using 35 infantry battalions, 20 cavalry squadrons, 500 aircraft and 500 of the new and powerful T34 tanks. This force outnumbered the forces of the advancing Kwantung Army. On August 20, Zhukov launched a surprise offensive and in ten days inflicted massive casualities on the Japanese. "Zhukov's essential achievement lay in combining tanks, artillery, aircraft and men in an integrated offensive for the first time in modern war. By 31 August, the Russians have completed what they described as the most impeccable encirclement of the enemy army since Hannibal beat the Romans at Cannae. The 23rd Division of the Kwantung Army was virtually wiped out, and at least 18,000 Japanese were killed."(P. Snow "Nomonhan -the Unknown Victory", History Today, July 1990).
"Hitler's Nazi-Soviet Pact of 23 August 1939, seen by the Japanese government as a betrayal of the anti-Comintern Pact, reinforced Japan's decision to use Hitler, but never to trust him. The Nazi-Soviet pact was announced during a Japanese military disaster. ... Hostilities ended officially on September 16, 1939..." (Laurie Barber, "Checkmate at the Russian Border: Russian-Japanese Conflict before Pearl Harbour", 2000). The next day, on September 17, 1939 the Soviets, free of the armed conflict with Japan, invaded Poland. The Soviets were aware that the French were not about to keep their promise to attack Germany, when 70 percent of German forces were engaged in Poland, despite the fact that France had more tanks than Germany.
Joahim von Ribbentrop tried on March 28, 1941, in Berlin to convince count Oshima, the Ambasador of Japan, to deliver a "crushing blow" against the USSR together with Germany. The Germans wanted the Jpanese to cut the trans-Siberian railway in central Asia and to attack Vladivostok. When the Germans were advancing deep into Russia, Richard Sorge, the Soviet spy in Tokyo, had on November 1, 1941, informed Stalin that Japan will not resume attacks against USSR in Asia. However, the Japanese sunk several Soviet ships and increased their forces in Korea and Manchuria as if they were planning to attack the Soviets. Next month, Hitler declared war on the United States four days after the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941. Apparently Hitler made his decision hopping in vain for a Japanese attacks on the USSR while he was getting reports about American Navy's armed intervention against German submarines in the Atlantic. After the naval battle on Sept 4, 1941 between the USS Grear and a German submarine, President Roosevelt publicly ordered US Navy to shoot on sight any German submarine. ("Oxford History of the American People", Oxford University Press, 1965)
The situation of the German Army on the eastern front suddenly worsened. "On 1 December, [1941] Army Group Centre made a last all-out attack to take Moscow, but the balance of forces favored the defender. ... At down of 3 December, Zhukov's Siberian divisions [100,000 men with 300 tanks and 2000 artillery pieces] crushed through the extended flanks of the [German] Army Group Centre." (Stephen Badsey, "World War II Battle Plans" 2000, p. 98).
Had Poland been pragmatic rather than principled and made possible for Hitler to have the 600 divisions to defeat the USSR and take the oil fields of the Middle East, world history would have been different. Nazi Germany rather than the Soviet Union would have been the counterbalance to US power in the world after the WWII during most of the second half of the twentieth century.
2 styczeń 2007

Iwo Cyprian Pogonowski 



Kurewsko pedalska "Unia Europejska"
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Artur Łoboda
Anatomia terroru w Iraku
sierpień 27, 2006
Iwo Cyprian Pogonowski
Wielki mit pod nazwą Unia Europejska - padł.
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Artur Łoboda
Konflikt Gruzja – Osetia południowa jako przykrywka dla wojny rosyjsko – amerykańskiej
sierpień 9, 2008
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UE - Wiersz
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( . ) bez podpisu
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