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Accusation Lukasz Szumowski for a crime bearing the features of the crime of genocide against the Polish Nation

Artur Łoboda                                                                   Kraków 20 lipca 2020 roku

The Prosecutor Grzegorz Derwisz
District Prosecutor's Office in Krakow

Notification of a crime committed by the Minister of Health, Łukasz Szumowski
Pursuant to Article 160 § 1 of the Criminal Code, which reads "Whoever exposes a person to the immediate danger of loss of life or serious damage to health, shall be punishable by imprisonment of up to 3 years,
Łukasz Szumowski for a crime bearing the features of the crime of genocide against the Polish Nation.

In order to facilitate the re-election of Andrzej Duda as President of the Republic of Poland, Łukasz Szumowski undertook a number of actions aimed at pacifying the Polish nation by using the global panic related to the alleged virus and persuading Poles that the SARS CoV-2 epidemic had reached Poland.
However - after achieving the intended goal - Łukasz Szumowski continues to terrorize the Polish Society, LIEING further - that there is an epidemic in Poland.
To this end, he spreads with his associates LIES that SARS CoV-2 infected have been detected somewhere.

And for this reason, it UNLEGALLY forces Poles to wear face masks, which not only cause poisoning of the body with exhaled carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide, but on hot days are the habitat of all bacteria harmful to the human body.

The consequences of having to wear masks do not become apparent until years later.
It is an indisputable fact that the Ministry of Health DOES NOT HAVE ANY TESTS FOR SARS CoV-2, because such tests do not exist anywhere in the world!

Along with this accusation, I enclose the alleged "certificates" for tests allegedly used in Poland, received from the Ministry of Health.

Most of these tests were created at least a dozen years ago and used to be used ONLY for laboratory research. And this year's tests include the information that "a positive test result does not mean that you are infected with SARS CoV-2." In turn, "a negative test result does not mean that you are not suffering from SARS CoV-2". So these tests show NOTHING!

You can find information on the Internet that these supposed "covid-19 tests" detected this "disease" even in plants or animals. Of course, asymptomatic.
Since these tests do not prove ANY disease, the Minister of Health began to convince Poles of an "asymptomatic disease" to prolong the police terror.
.... ()
21 lipiec 2020

Artur Łoboda 





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