Nastepny Iran, Syria i Korea
We'll attack Iraq and deal with Syria, Iran: US assures Israel
Israeli newspaper exposes US plans
EL AVIV: U.S. Undersecretary of State John Bolton has assured Israeli officials on Monday that America will attack Iraq, and will also deal with Syria, Iran and North Korea after occupying Baghdad.
According to a report publlished by Israel´s leading newspaper Haaretz, Bolton, who is undersecretary for arms control and international security, is in Israel for meetings about preventing the spread of weapons of mass destruction.
In a meeting with Bolton on Monday, Prime Minister Ariel Sharon said that Israel is concerned about the security threat posed by Iran. It's important to deal with Iran even while American attention is turned toward Iraq, Sharon said.
Bolton also met with Foreign Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Housing and Construction Minister Natan Sharansky.
These meetings strengthen the doubts about the Israeli hands behind the war on Iraq and its nefarious designs to set the region on fire by pushing United States to attack other Muslim countries in the Middle East.
This report should be eye opener for the leaders of Bahrain, Kuwait and other Muslim nations who are supporting the United States in its aggression against Iraq, commented an observer while criticising the Bush administration for endangering the World peace through ill-concieve aggressive moves to appease Israel.
20 kwiecień 2003
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