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Ameryka: Od Wolności do faszyzmu 
Amerykanie zaczynają rozumieć - co się dzieje z ich krajem. O tym mówi film pod wskazanym linkiem. 
Kanciarze z Wall Street 
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PiStapo atakuje rodziny 
Przypomnijmy sobie sceny ze świata Orwella. To już się dzieje.  
Panie Kapitanie Jerzy Grzędzielski,

chylę czoła jako młodszy kolega lotnik, za poniższy tekst. Brakowało mi dotąd głosu, tak doświadczonego pilota, opisującego tragędię smoleńską, tak kompetentnie i fachowo, jak Pan to zrobił. Pozwoliłem sobie zatem, na rozpowszechnienie Pańskiego tekstu, z nadzieją na możliwe szerokie dotarcie do opinii publicznej. Zwracam się do internautów o liczne udostępnienia w internecie stanowiska w tej sprawie, wyrażonego przez świetnego pilota - prawdziwego nie kwestionowanego eksperta lotniczego. 
Wszystko pod kontrolą 
Od zawsze służby specjalne kontrolowały rzekome niezaplanowane spotkania oficjeli z obywatelami.
Przykład podstawionego Putina - jako przypadkowego przechodnia.
Wzrost o 6000% zgonów spowodowanych szczepieniami w pierwszym kwartale 2021 r. w porównaniu z pierwszym kwartałem 2020 r 
Jak można się spodziewać, gdy nowe eksperymentalne „szczepionki”, które nie zostały zatwierdzone przez FDA, otrzymają zezwolenie na stosowanie w nagłych wypadkach w celu zwalczania „pandemii”, która ma obecnie ponad rok, liczba zgonów po zastrzykach tych zastrzyków gwałtownie wzrosła w Stanach Zjednoczonych. populacji o ponad 6000% na koniec pierwszego kwartału 2021 r., w porównaniu do odnotowanych zgonów po szczepionkach zatwierdzonych przez FDA na koniec pierwszego kwartału 2020 r. 
Dr Roger Hodkinson, - Pandemia to oszustwo 
Dr Roger Hodkinson - lekarz patolog (wirusolog), Cambridge University, były przewodniczący sekcji patologii stowarzyszenia lekarzy, były wykładowca na wydziale medycznym, wykładowca akademicki, egzaminator w Royal Colledge physicians w Północnej Karolinie, Prezes firmy biotechnologicznej sprzedającej testy na COVID19.
Pandemia to oszustwo.
Maseczki nieskuteczne.
Lockdown nie ma naukowego uzasadnienia.
Pozytywny wynik PCR nie potwierdza infekcji klinicznej.
Polityka udaje medycynę.  
Nową pandemię zaplanowano na 2025 rok 
Zabójcze leki - prof. Stanisław Wiąckowski - 15.03.2017 
Zapis wykładu prof. Stanisława Wiąckowskiego omawiającego leki i ich składniki, które wbrew powszechnym opiniom nie leczą, a wręcz przyczyniają się wzrostu zgonów. Wiedza ta jest ukrywana przez koncerny farmaceutyczne, a nazwy leków zmieniane i dalej są dopuszczanie i promowane w sprzedaży mimo wiedzy, iż ich działanie jest zabójcze. 
Chcą całkowitej eksterminacji wszystkich Palestyńczyków 
Izrael i Hamas: czy ludzi ogarnęło zbiorowe szaleństwo?  
Ludobójstwo COVID- konferencja w Wiedniu 23 październik 2020 
Znieść wolności obywatelskich,
Zniszczyć gospodarki,
Zamknąć małe i średnie przedsiębiorstwa,
Oddzielić, izolować i terroryzować członków rodziny,
Zubożyć ludzi, w tym zniszczyć miejsca pracy,
Usunąć dzieci z ich rodzin,
Internować dysydentów do obozach koncentracyjnych,
Udzielać immunitetu urzędnikom rządowym do popełnienia przestępstw: zabójstwo, gwałtu i tortur (Wielka Brytania),
Wykorzystać policję, wojsko i najemników do kontroli populacji,
Zmusić populacje do szczepień niemedyczną szczepionką zawierającą mechanizmy kontroli populacji bez ich świadomej zgody  
Konzentrationslager Fuehrer  
Niemcy - obóz koncentracyjny dla niewierzących w wirusa 
Młodzież izraelska w Polsce 
Doskonały dokument o wycieczce młodzieży izraelskiej do Polski. 
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Próba upodmiotowienia obywateli za pośrednictwem internetu 
Celem serwisu jest umożliwienie obywatelom wyrażenia swojej woli w najważniejszych dla nich sprawach. 
Niemcy 1940 - Izrael 2009 - Szokujące zdjęcia 
Odważni eksperci z USA, Rosji i Czech mówią prawdę o szczepieniach  
Planet Lockdown 
Planet Lockdown to film dokumentalny o sytuacji, w jakiej znalazł się świat. Twórcy filmu rozmawiali z niektórymi z najzdolniejszych i najodważniejszych umysłów na świecie, w tym z epidemiologami, naukowcami, lekarzami, prawnikami, aktywistami, mężem stanu... 
Deklaracja Wielkiej Barrington  
Po atakach, oto wypowiedź profesora Sucharita Bhakdi. 
Jesteśmy okłamywani i zmuszani do działań mogących pogarszać zdrowie 
Dr Zbigniew Martyka, kierownik oddziału zakaźnego w Dąbrowie Górniczej napisał dwa tygodnie temu wpis, w którym ocenił, że "jesteśmy okłamywani i zmuszani do działań mogących pogarszać nasz stan zdrowia" pod pretekstem koronawirusa. Wówczas wprowadzano nowe restrykcje i podział na powiaty "żółte" oraz "czerwone". 
więcej ->


Open Letter to Michael Jones and Israel Adam Shamir

The Poisoning of the Earth by Ahriman’s Inspired Fairy Tales of Redemption and Natural Selection

A commentary to A. McCarthy versus Ch. Hitchens polemics on “Greatness of God”

I. “The one which gives, has the right to take it back”?

At the end of May I had the possibility to read, thanks to “shamireaders” website, a long article of Anthony McCarthy, published initially at [1], and containing a critics of a ‘best selling’ at present book titled “God is not Great”, written by Christopher Hitchens. McCarthy attacks this atheism praising work from the point of view of a dogmatic Catholicism. Thus no wonder that my mind&body reaction, of an “apostate Christian”, who since 26 years is at odds with the neo-Judaist “dominate the earth” ideology of pope John Paul II, was of course in favor of Hitchens’ arguments against God of Old Testament. Especially upsetting for me was the McCarthy’s easily written statement: “When describing the story of Abraham and Isaac he (Hitchens) can only see attempted murder. He fails to realise that the Giver of life has every right to end life”, etc. We in Poland already as children learn a popular proverb “kto daje i odbiera, ten się w piekle poniewiera” (The one which gives, and than takes it back, in the hell shall find his fate). This known to children dictum suggests that biblical Abraham, the “Father of Nations”, was an odious person deserving to stay in a Hell[2]. From this popular proverb’s perspective, the same should be said about the “God the Father” of all Christians. Indeed, McCarthy interprets the reported in OT Sacral Murder theme in concordance with logically “hellish”, most important dogma of the New Testamet: “Of course, the story of Abraham and Isaac prefigures the ultimate sacrifice of Christ at Calvary”.

At the beginning I wanted to keep to myself my acid remarks about the hidden nature of the Catholic religion. Especially that both Michael Jones (owner of the website), and Israel Shamir ( , thanks to whom I had the possibility to read the McCarthy’s “Christian apologist” pamphlet, are my friends, who visited me in Zakopane two years ago[3]. But my, trained through decades of university career, scholar’s habit to pinpoint, and to denounce, also in public, the evidently evil reasoning, is imposing on me its own imperative of behavior. As used to say egoistically the “pagan Christian” Aristotle, “Amicus Plato, but the truth is more important to me”. At the end of June, I finished my duties of a senior lecturer of philosophy at Pomeranian Academy, so I had the time to read once again the pamphlet of McCarthy titled “And Neither is (Great) Christopher Hitchens”. At that time I realized that Hitchens, like his adversary McCarthy, in matters concerning life sciences reasons in equally superficial, “imposed from the outside” manner. So I got additional incentives to try to bring the so called Lucipher’s – it is the another name of the planet Venus, goddess of Love – light onto born out of spiritual Darkness and Evil, religio-scientific dogmas of initially Christian, and than post-Christian populaces. Dogmas which poison the life – and the life of not only humans – on our, ever more polluted and ugly, planet. (A whole week after completing the above sentence, I found that the undertitle of Hitchens’ book expresses the same idea “How Religion Poisons Everything”).

II. Try to kill and incinerate your adolescent son, Father ... and your Tribe will be blessed among Nations

In order to grasp where is hidden the cognitive error, which transforms Pious Catholics into Men of Evil, it is necessary to denounce the St. Paul’s fraudulent assertion, that an evil done to Jesus, a noble truth teller, may be salutary “for many”. In this respect McCarthy summarizes the Church dogma as follow: “According to Christian doctrine, Christ the God-man chose to suffer and to die in order to atone for our sins. ... His sacrifice possesses an infinite value because he is Logos, and it is made out of love for me because there is nothing I would be capable of doing “naturally” (i.e. according to my fallen nature) that could adequately atone for my sins.” As these “sins” are considered, they are “inexorably bound up with Original Sin (of) Adam’s faithlessness”. The Original Sin, according to the Bible, consisted of the human curiosity to learn what is Good and what is Evil, it means to consume fruits from the Forbidden Tree of Knowledge of Ethics. And indeed, the pre-Christian “sinful” pagan Greeks knew very well how to distinguish the good from evil. To these “pagans” the Knowledge (represented by goddesses Sophia and Athena) was Good, and the Evil was Ignorance, for which sorry state of “empty mind” Greeks had no god to make its visual representation.

Such Old Greek “sinful” understanding of Ethics suggests that the “God” of antique Bible writers was Misologos, the Devil. During first centuries of Christianity the so called “Marcionist heresy” flourished, denouncing the God of Old Testament as an evil demon or demiurg. This “heresy” has not been completely eradicated, and several competent in matters of religion friends of mine (and of Michael Jones), among them writer Israel Adam Shamir and philosopher Robert Hickson, call me a “Marcionist”. But once we denounce – as an evil demon – the “God” of OT, we automatically denounce his creations, in particular this “Zoological Garden of Eden”, which God has created in order to imprison in it the pair of his beloved “happy imbecile” proto-humans. And of course, the atonement done by Christ – as the Logos Crucified – for the “sin” of human natural curiosity, has lead to attempts of re-installment on the earth of the New Regime of Happy Imbeciles, commonly known as Christianity. No wonder that apostate Frenchmen, observing the behavior of pious chrétiens, coined the term cretins. Thus nothing proud to be of, Marcion, like Muhammad five hundred years later, assured his followers that Jesus, as a “Son of a Kind Stranger” didn’t suffered at all, even in appearance. In this Marcionist (and later Moslem) interpretation all scenes of Calvary are fake, Jesus – The Messenger (Logos carrier) of God – has not atoned for our sins[4].

In case this version of Jesus last hours on the earth is valid, proverbial Emperor’s Clothes of Pastors of the Church, which are used to dress themselves in black chasubles commemorating the ever repeated scenes of Christ’s Passion, suddenly vanish. These “naked” Men of Prestige reveal themselves to be a bunch of mentally lazy, but greedy of power imbeciles and buffoons, which indeed “poison everything around them” as noticed it, with accuracy, Hitchens. (By the way, the same holds in case of so-called “Holocaust Religion” priesthood. Once we dare to observe that the object of their admiration – the mass sacrifice of 6 million of Jewish souls during the 2WW – is largely an imaginary event, the Supernatural Strength of their “groupie” disappears, they reveal themselves as a bunch of greedy of power idiots, which “decided to know nothing among us but Jews, and them in the fire of Auschwitz furnaces” – to imitate the famous exclamation of St. Paul in the “I Letter to Corinthians”.

I wrote few years ago that the Polish philosopher, painter and drama writer, S.I. Witkiewicz already a century ago was making an idiot from St. Paul, who had managed to convince the criminally imbecile Christians that “out of an evil (crucification of Christ – “The God’s ointed”) the good (salvation of Christians) has resulted”. This, repeated mechanically by “our” priesthood since nearly two thousand years “good news”, Witkacy commented in a trivial way “FROM AN (UNPUNISHED) EVIL ONLY AN EVEN GREATER EVIL MAY ORIGINATE”. This indeed happen, once the Church accepted – during Councils of Nice and than Ephesus in early 4th and 5th centuries – as “illuminated by God”, so-called pastoral letters of Pharisee Saul/Paul. To demonstrate this phenomenon it is sufficient to point at the barbarity of Western “Christian” colonizers worldwide. As the Western Hemisphere is considered, it is worth to quote the opinion of Burton L. Mack, a professor of New Testament at the School of Theology at Claremont, in southern California, who “blames Christianity for contributing to centuries of U.S. wrongdoing, from wars against Native Americans to interventionism abroad[5].” And it is no doubt, as pointed it the historian of technical development Lynn White in “Science”[6], already four decades ago that the Torah commandment “Dominate the earth” has become the First Motor of industrial development – and thus automatically also of the earth devastation, which is particularly well visible in once beautiful Northern America.

In the case of American Indians we are used to think that their sad fate was linked with their technical backwardness, but in the case of India itself its backwardness was imposed by “Christian” colonisers. To quote Lord Macaulay’s historic speech in the British Parliament in 1832, commonly referred to as The Minutes: “I have traveled across the length and breadth of India and I have not seen one person who is a beggar, who is a thief. Such wealth I have seen in this country, such high moral values, people of such calibre, that I do not think we would ever conquer this country, unless we break the very backbone of this nation, which is her spiritual and cultural heritage, and, therefore, I propose that we replace her old and ancient education system, her culture, for if the Indians think that all that is foreign and English is good and greater than their own, they will lose their self-esteem, their native self-culture and they will become what we want them, a truly dominated nation”. And nothing new happen since early 19th century. In Poland, on the 1st January 1990 “the holy cross” was reintroduced in the chamber of our Parliament. It is precisely since this moment the incredible corruption of elites began, we witness the forced impoverishment, and the necessity of emigration, of millions of young people, combined with the accumulation of tremendous wealth by others; we accepted the incredible ugliness of our cities ravaged “like in India” by billboards and other imbecile advertisements popping everywhere. And of course, our churches advertise on their billboards that this year we celebrate “THE YEAR OF ST. PAUL”.

III. God Loves the Greedy and the Corrupt

How to get out from this “Impasse of Moses”[7]? In case we consider the OT to be the Book of Evil People, the Judeo-Christian Decalogue should also an evil product, this despite Catholic pretensions that it is otherwise. We shall thus feel no inhibition overstepping its First Commandment “You shall have no other gods before Me”. Once we dare to do it, we can ask: Do in other cultures exist gods, which behave like the “Lord”, which is praised both by the Old and New Testaments? And here the answer is indeed easy, once we recall the antique cultural setting in which the Bible was completed. It happen in Babylon in 5th century BC, where Persian influences were very strong, as confirms it the particularly ugly Book of Esther, appraising the mass homicide of Iranians organized by Jews. And in Persian Zoroastrian religion exists not one, like in Judeo-Christianity, but Two Gods, one of them, called Ahuramazda, is the God of Truthtellers, while his Enemy, Ahriman is the god of “the evil thought”, “the personification of Lie, creator of Death, creator of evil animals and of poisonous plants, the god which acts during the night, fearing the sunlight, the Demon of War, of Quarrel and of Murder, the Arch Devil of Lie, Revolt, and Weakness”[8].

All these Ahriman characteristics fit very well doings of the “Lord” of Old Testament. This “God” is “the creator” of Egyptian plagues, he is responsible for the death of first born sons, and for bloody Wars, so much praised by prophet Isaiah; in the Bible he animates the vicious behaviour of His Chosen People, loves lies of Abraham, and of Jacob, highly appreciates the murder, by Moses clan of Levies, of 3 thousands of their “brothers and sons” under the Mount Sinai. (By the way, the number of 3 thousand curiously coincides with the number of victims of 9-11 events, during which the modern “Temple of Golden Calf”, known as WTC, was destroyed!) It is not without reason the “rightful” prophet Malachi curses ordinary Jews for their honest observation “Every one who does evil is good in the eyes of the LORD, and he delights in them” (2, 17). The same “god” stands behind pages of the New Testament, as the pope John Paul II insisted in late 20th century. In particular to Ahriman inspired writings belong epistles of “breathing threads and murder” – and later on singing the Hymen of Love – apostle Paul. This faithful student of rabbi Gamaliel, prior to his conversion participated in the lapidation of St. Stephen, and probably he also participated in “the democratic referendum”, which was hold in Jerusalem AD 33, as a member of the crowd voting for the crucification of Jesus of Nazareth instead of Barabas.

This OT God “loves the Greedy and the Corrupt”, as I observed in 1996 in a booklet “The War of Gods”[9], pointing at the behaviour of Industrious and Prolific Jacob. This praised by the Bible microcephalian “was so dumb that not only, during his nuptial night, he didn’t recognised with whom he was in bed, but also, working for fourteen years to earn his beloved Rachel, he apparently didn’t noticed that the object of his desire has become an old virgin. (Or, taking into the consideration sexual habits of Jewish females, Rachel became the “false virgin” from the comedy of Aristophanes: she fornicated with all around, while her dumb intended was toiling to earn her charms in the future.)”

The cognitive corruption of God’s Chosen People made its road into the milieu of extraordinarily dumb, but greedy of redemption (and of other god’s favours), pastors of the Christian flock. It is this congregation of Fathers of the Church, which accepted in AD 431 the Paul’s doctrine, according to which “Christ the God-man chose to suffer and to die in order to atone for our sins”. What remains beyond the possibility of cognition of “true Catholics”, is the sordid fact, that St. Paul has formulated his theory of “salvation of Christians, by a punishment of Christ-Logos”, using as a model the philo-criminal Hebrew practice of “atonement of sins”, by a deliberate ‘punishment’ of innocent domestic animals (see the explanation of the prosaic origin of the most important Christian dogma in “Letter to Hebrews”, chapt. 9-12 to 10-18).

The corruption of Christian spirit, by an acceptance of “logos of Paul” (which logos, according to Keller[10], was refused by Marcion, despite introduction into his cannon of “castrated” fragments of Paul’s epistles), has lead to the lasting through centuries plague of incredibly cruel crimes committed in the name of “Christ crucified”. The pathology of Christian “missionary” wars, and of burning at stakes of heretics, began to die out in Europe only after the Peace of Westphalia in 1648. Nevertheless, without the critics of fundamentals of “our” religion, we cannot expect its renovation along ideas (the “Logos”) outlined by Jesus reported in Gospels. At present senior researchers in “border problems of Christianity” start to reject “our” religion as a whole, like the 56 years old professor Tomasz Wieclawski from University of Poznan. Until the last year he was a member of International Theological Commission in Rome, and a member of the Presidium of Guardini Fundation in Berlin. Nevertheless in 2007 he not only abandoned his Catholic priest vocation, but officially, in presence of two witnesses in his parish church, confirmed his apostasy from the Christianity.

The reason of his painful apostasy (Weclawski had to change his name in order to avoid harassment in Poland) is his realization that the Catholic Church has become an institution completely different from the one Jesus of Nazareth wanted to set up. In a short communiqué published by Polish media we read that according to Weclawski “Jesus was defeated in his battle for the reconstruction of existing (in Israel at his times) socio-religious hierarchy. He become a victim of messianic expectations, which have lead to his rejection by the elite, and to his condemnation for death. But Jesus’ most painful defeat happened after his crucification – it was the interpretation of his defeat as a sacrifice.”

Indeed, these Three Great Defeats, which Jesus of Nazareth suffered in Israelo-Palestine two thousands years ago, bear enormous consequences on the fate of the planet, taken as a whole.

1st. New Testament of Arhiman’s Evil People suggests that no revolt is possible against the clique of “robbers and thieves” atop of the Chosen People flock.

2nd. NT provides an information that everyone, who will attempt to fight for more just social relations – and for the more clear vision how the society works – will be condemned as a criminal, and mercilessly punished.

3rd. It informs us that precisely these ones, like St. Paul and his hidden masters, who have organized the Calvary of the truth telling Galilean, by turning this Calvary into a sacrifice, have managed to impose themselves as Pastors of naive Christians.

Weclawski in his career collaborated with the present pope Benedict XVI, and through this pope lecture at the University of Regensburg in September 2006 (to which lecture McCarthy refers in his polemics with Hitchens), we may sense that atop of Catholic hierarchy do exist alert people, which are conscious of the cretino-criminal “Impasse of Paul”, into which the Church has been maneuvered centuries ago. Maneuvered in by greedy of power and wealth bishops like Ciril of Alexandria and his Carthaginian contemporary Aurelius Augustin in the early 5th century.

IV. The Modern Science of Ignorance of Principles of Life and their OT origin

In polytheist religions divinities symbolizing the Creation were different from these symbolizing the Destruction: Greeks had Eros, which binds people (and animals) together, in opposition to Eris-Discordia, which destroys friendships and mutual trust. In the Hindu pantheon of gods, the disposing of hundred hands Vishnu was the Creator, while Shiva was the god of Death, in Persian Zoroasterism, Ahuramazda directed hosts of robust and sunburned truthtellers, while his enemy, Ahriman directed swarms of pale, resembling blind termites, underground conspirators, deceivers, robbers and murders. In Judeo-Christian monotheism these mutually opposite characteristics are intermixed, the contemporary pious Catholic writer McCarthy argues with ease “the Giver of life has every right to end life”, and so on. The Unique God of such “Christians” must thus be Double Faced Being, commonly known as the Hypocrite. And it is precisely this double faced “God-Father”, which is the object of a sincere hate of Jesus of Nazareth, who in Gospels cursed 77 times “Pharisees and Scribes”: “Man cannot serve Two Masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other,... You cannot serve God and Mammon”.

One of these, largely forgotten curses states “Woe to you lawyers! For you have taken the key of knowledge; you did not enter yourselves and you hindered those who were entering”. Such curse we find in Luke 11, 52; in the Gospel of Matthew, destined for people of Jewish cultural background , the word ‘knowledge’ become substituted by a vague notion of ‘kingdom of heaven’. This substitution we can explain by the cultural background of antique Israelites for whom the term ‘knowledge’ meant “fruit of a sinful curiosity”. This “godless” curiosity was so much despised by loving the Ignorance Pharisee Paul, that he “decided to know nothing among us except Jesus Christ, and him crucified” (I Cor. 2,2). The book “God is not Great” of Hitchens provides a testimony that the Old Testamental Holy Spirit of Ignorance finally starts to vanish among the English speaking people. But the mindset of men, grown since centuries in poisonous vapors of the Bible, is not so easy to bring back to Logic and Reason.

In particular the Judeo-Christian “Book of Ahriman” makes believe an unobservant reader that: a. The creation of novel forms of life, of novel sub-species, novel cultural habits, and of new civilization programs happens always “from outside”, decided by an exogenous, impossible to understand Being; b, The biblical Creator is in fact the Creator of Destruction; the establishment of novel forms of social life is obtained by an eradication of precedent civilizations; and c. The human cognitive inactivity is highly appraised by the Lord: “the one who does not (the mental) work, but trusts him who justifies the ungodly, his (mindless) faith is reckoned as righteousness.” (Rom. 4, 3). In short, all the creativity, both this one visible in the external for us Nature, and in our own mind&body behavior, is absolutely not linked with our – and other living species – activity.

It is easy to observe that all these features of “Creator of Destruction” have reappeared in modern theories of evolution, which were constructed in countries in which the lecture of the Bible has become obligatory. No wonder thus that in countries “under God” – like England and USA today – no honest description of creative, biological forces is permitted. Just the contrary, forces of Death and Destruction, like the worshipped by Darwinians Natural Selection, are considered to be the First Motor of Evolution, in particular of the evolution of our human “super” species. As this famous “evolution” is considered, both Hitchens and McCarthy represent the same Anglo-Saxon “culture of blinders”, in which the precise demonstration, how the New Information is created, remains forbidden. Hitchens (“the newly discovered Jew”) is ascribing the Creation of species to the destructive forces of Natural Selection, while McCarthy (the outdated Catholic apologist) clings to biblical fairy tales of an instant creation, in particular of a creation “ex nihilo” of God’s Chosen People.

Does it exist an alternative to the “blind alley” of noxious, both for humans and their environment, Western scientifico-religious concepts of development of life forms “ex nihilo”, solely with the help of destructive Natural Selection? We have to remark here that both Hitchens and McCarthey, due to their “liberal” upbringing entirely ignore the Eternal Bio-Principe of Creation, which the French biologist Paul Wintrebert put as the title of his book “LE VIVANT CRÉATEUR DE SON ÉVOLUTION” published in 1962.[11]. Already in Antiquity the despised by early Fathers of the Church Aristotle observed that all higher concepts of the reality are created in human minds thanks to their capacity of association of facts, which alert individuals are observing during their active life. “The one who does not the mental work, and is accustomed to passively believe, will soon have an important part of his brain dead”, as would ironize Aristote, and later on the French naturalist Lamarck. In modern times these old psychological observations got the form of Pavlov’s Law of Learning, which is valid in case of all higher animals not devoid of senses. Ultimately they have lead to the formulation by Jean Piaget of the genetic theory of personality maturation. According to the School of Genetic Epistemology in Geneva, children – as well as all other higher animals – during active exploration of their environment encounter various obstacles, including these which seem to be harmful to them, like germs, UV irradiations, cold weather, difficult to climb trees, and so on. And by a biologically automatic recovery, from micro-lesions these “perturbations” induce in organisms of young animals, a fully adapted to a particular environment person (or other animal) is grown.

Such biological realm remains effectively beyond the cognitive capacity of people grown in childhood, like Noam Chomsky, in the environment of read and reread pages of Old Testament – in this “Book of Ahriman” nothing resembling efforts to understand better the world, is reported. No wonder that numerous scientists of orthodox Jewish, Protestant, or Anglo-Saxon origin, are completely unable to imagine that New Information is created only thanks to intensive, manifold repeated during the youth, psycho-motorical efforts, like in the case of learning of a language or to swim. In this matter the supposedly well educated professor Chomsky is positively sure that “We have substantial, really overwhelming proofs that essential aspects of our mental and social life, among them also the language, are determined as a part of our biological endowment, and that they are not acquired by the process of learning, in particular by a training”[12]. According to Chomsky, AN ACTIVITY DOES NOT LEADS TO CREATIVITY, which “scientific discovery” remains in a complete disagreement with results of more than 50 years of research of Jean Piaget, who summed up his life experience in biology and than in psychology in the title of his last book before his death “LE COMPORTEMENT, MOTEUR D’ÉVOLUTION” (Behavior, the Motor of Evolution).

Due to Chomsky-like, ‘genetically established’ ignorance of the Eternal Law of Biology, all Judeo-Christian elucubrations, on the theme of “Greatness of God”, are necessarily lame, for the “God”, which writers like McCarthy, Hitchens or Dawkins[13] imagine, is sterilized (“circumcised”) from the divine faculty of creation of new, more precise ideas, permitting to understand better both ourselves and the surrounding us world. Somehow the St. Paul’s proud exclamation “Where is the debater of this age? Has not God made foolish the wisdom of the world?” has become the “flesh” of neoDarwinism dominated Western Science. And adepts of such “circumcised” science will bring, with no doubt, the Planet Earth to a bitter end.

dr Marek Glogoczowski, Chair of Philosophy, Pomeranian Academy, PL

(Below is the table illustrating up to which point the Darwinian theory was modeled on primitive mis-information we find in first verses of the Bible, which “Logos” is so much venerated by Anglo-Saxon Supermen of thought.)

An outline of Biblical sources of Darwinism

In order to obtain a wider acceptation of any scientific idea, its receivers should have their individual associative apparatus appropriately tuned-up for its reception. In the Anglo-Saxon culture men are (were) grown since childhood with the lecture of the Bible, and thus the reality they perceive is in a large extend modeled by “directing truths” of the Holy Scripture. This fact, known from developmental psychology and neurology, is sufficient to explain both the genesis, and the subsequent success of Darwinian, and than neoDarwinian, concepts of evolution.

1. The logical conclusion of the God’s order multiply and fill the earth, which has been inserted into the first page of the book of Genesis, is the predictable overgrowth of the number of living items over their possibility of feeding. Such a “divine order” must lead to the struggle for existence imagined by an Anglican clergyman Thomas Malthus. (The Old Testamental archetype of such struggle for means of subsistence and proliferation, is provided by the attitude of the patriarch Jacob towards Esau, and in general, by the attitude of Jews towards other nations.) This inter-specific struggle for life has became the essence of the theory of evolution elaborated by an another theology graduate, Charles Darwin.

2. The neoDarwinian theory of August Weisman, added to original Darwinism at the beginning of 20-th century, postulates the existence of qualitatively different biological substances: soma and germen. It also has its antique precedent in the naturalist thought of Hebrew theologian Saul/Paul from Tars. In his I-st Letter to Corinthians St. Paul observes What you are sowing is not the body (or soma) which will arise, but the naked grain (germen)... The God gives to every seed the body he intends, for each seed an appropriate for it body (15, 36-38). The seed (germen) of the concept of such division we may find at the first page of Genesis, 1, 11-12. For molecular biologists of today the object of culte are genes, and in a similar way, for antique Hebrew their own semen had sacral meaning. (To recall the story of Onan or rites of purgation - Priests, 15,14.)

3. According to concepts attached to neoDarwinism in the middle of 20-th century, new variants appear thanks to random mutations of genes hidden in germinal cells. Such an idea of hazardous creation of novel forms of life, converges with an idea frequently repeated in the Bible, that God acts (creates and selects his victims, and/or his favored people) through the fully stochastic process. (See the “Jahveh oracle” urim-tummim of hazardous choices, Exodus, 28, 30.)

4. In any point of its teaching the Hebrew Torah admits the idea that the collective, critical cognitive effort (similar to the one which is known from Plato’s Dialogues) may lead to a better understanding of the world, and thus to a better life in it. The interdiction of questioning of “revealed” dogmas leads to the functional atrophy of whole range of brain activities of populations grown in the artificial realm born out of reading of the Holy Scripture. Such past and present societies have a tendency not-to-see particularly those absurdities, which in their structure resemble fake orientational truths, inoculated into the Bible in a form of “mind viruses”.

5. The archetype of the neoDarwinian idea that from harmful heritable infirmities, called mutations, appear novel, better adapted to the environment variants, we may find in theologico-naturalist thought of St. Paul, in the same Letter to Corinthians we quoted above: is sown in disgrace (the seed of evidently lame theory) – is grown-up in glory (the body of a new, world-encompassing religion or science). We have here an analogy to cognitive inventions of cabala: there is no better good than the one, which arises from an evil.

The whole neo (and ultra) Darwinian theory we may reduce to the natural selection (see pt 1) of bodies grown from hazardously created variants of seeds (pt 3). It means that the totality of contemporary concepts of evolution we may deduce logically from few simplist sentences incorporated into both the Old and New Testaments! These concepts are cognitively “empty”, but nevertheless they are impressing laymen in a similar way as the ordinary Jews were impressed by the empty interior of Jerusalem’s Temple. And we are invited to hate all those who denounce the cognitive emptiness of Darwinian sciences, in the very same way as Pompeius was hatred for his act of tearing-down the cover hiding emptiness of this famous Jerusalem Temple of Misologos.



[2]I remember that while discussing with my students of science of religions, the behavior of “faithful Abraham”, I suggested that in case “God” asked me to kill (and to roast) my adolescent child, I would answer Him “Dear Lord kiss my ass with your proposal, my duty is to protect my children, and not to satisfy Your Almighty criminal whims.”. My students were enthusiastic about such “godless” idea of a dialogue with the Master of World (hebr. Adon Olan). The Indo-European writer Salman Rushdie in “More’s Last Sigh”, published in 1985, suggests that Judeo-Christian Abraham was “the most evil man ever existed”. (Please notice that Mohammed’s Abraham behave in a substantially different manner than “ours”. It is his adolescent son Isaac, who demands his father to sacrify him in order to fulfill the God’s whim. Such cruel “order from God” Abraham supposedly heard while asleep!)

[3] During my mid-July 2008 visit in Israel Shamir’s “summer hermitage” in Central Sweden, I had an opportunity to look through pages of the book of Michael Jones titled “The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit and Its Impact on world History”, which book Shamir received just during my visit there. Jones (who is a Catholic) considers Torah and Moses to be ok., and all the dissent through the history he links with the “Synagogue of Satan”; Torah inspired misdeeds of Vatican seem to be carefully omitted in this mammoth-sized, hard covered book.

[4] Moslems imagine last hours of earthly life of prophet Jesus/Issa using as their “canonical” text The Gospel of Jesus according to Barnabas and Matthew:

"Chapter 215

When the soldiers with Judas drew near to the place where Jesus was, Jesus heard the approach of many people, wherefore in fear he withdrew into the house. And the eleven were sleeping. Then God, seeing the danger of his servant, commanded Gabriel;, Michael;, Rafael;, and Uriel;, his ministers, to take Jesus out of the world. The holy angels came and took Jesus out by the window that looks toward the South;. They bare him and placed him in the third heaven in the company of angels blessing God for evermore.

Chapter 216

Judas entered impetuously before all into the chamber whence Jesus had been taken up. And the disciples were sleeping. Whereupon the wonderful God acted wonderfully, insomuch that Judas was so changed in speech and in face to be like Jesus that we believed him to be Jesus. And he, having awakened us, was seeking where the Master was. Whereupon we marvelled, and answered: 'You, Lord, are our master; have you now forgotten us?'

And he, smiling, said: 'Now are you foolish, that know not me to be Judas Iscariot!' And as he was saying this the soldiery entered, and laid their hands upon Judas, because he was in every way like to Jesus. We having heard Judas' saying, and seeing the multitude of soldiers, fled as beside ourselves. And John, who was wrapped in a linen cloth, awoke and fled, and when a soldier seized him by the linen cloth he left the linen cloth and fled naked. For God heard the prayer of Jesus, and saved the eleven from evil.

Chapter 217

The soldiers took Judas ;and bound him, not without derision. For he truthfully denied that he was Jesus; and the soldiers, mocking him, said: 'Sir, fear not, for we are come to make you king of Israel, and we have bound you because we know that you do refuse the kingdom.' Judas answered: 'Now have you lost your senses! You are come to take Jesus of Nazareth;, with arms and lanterns as [against] a robber; and you have bound me that have guided you, to make me king!' Then the soldiers lost their patience, and with blows and kicks they began to flout Judas, and they led him with fury into Jerusalem...

And the Holy Qur'an confirms this story by saying the following:

"004.156 That they rejected Faith; that they uttered against Mary a grave false charge;

004.157 That they said (in boast), "We killed Christ Jesus the son of Mary, the Apostle of God";- but they killed him not, nor crucified him, but so it was made to appear to them, and those who differ therein are full of doubts, with no (certain) knowledge, but only conjecture to follow, for of a surety they killed him not:-

004.158 Nay, God raised him up unto Himself; and God is Exalted in Power, Wise..."

Last winter, during a seminar on religious sciences, after reading the translated into Polish, the above fragment of Moslem imagination of Jesus’ last hours, I asked my students, which version they prefer, the Christian one, in which Jesus prior to his rapture has to suffer a cruel Calvary, or the Marcionist/Mohammedan one, in which God’s Messenger is raptured, not suffering at all, by his heavenly Master. No wonder that my, not yet corrupted by „our” religion students, preferred the story of „the salvation of the Savior” told by the Mohammedan myth. The same question I address to my friends Mike Jones and Israel Adam Shamir. Do they agree with the moral judgement of my students? Here two answers are possible.

1. In case they agree with them, the proverbial Emperor’s Clothes of Fathers of the Church vanish, for there is no Christ’s Passion which legitimizes their high social stance. These Catholic Men of Prestige automatically reveal themselves to be ordinary buffoons, like this famous Polish subito santo pope JPII.

2. In case MJ & IAS, as subordinate members of, respectively, Catholic and Orthodox Churches, accept the Dogma of Redemption of Christians by Christ’s Calvary, they will, logically, demonstrate no compassion to the cruel fate of the truth telling young Gallilean (if they do, they would prefer the answer 1). On the contrary, they will demonstrate their compassion to the truth hiding activity of “our” priesthood. This priesthood is supposed to imitate the behavior of “dressing himself in Christ’s skin” (see I Cor. 11, 1 or Ph. 3, 17-21) the self-appointed apostle Paul, the Sworn Murder of the Cognitive Soul of Christians. It is thanks to efforts of this ‘vicar of Ahriman’, our culture become built on an Orwellian principle “In Ignorance is Strength” (literally “Your faith may not rest in wisdom of men, but in the power of God ... Has not God made foolish the wisdom of the world?” – I Cor. 1, 5 and 1, 20)

[5] From the text of Charlotte Allen “Jesus as a countercultural guru - The Search for a No-Frills Jesus”, Atlantic Monthly, December 1996,

[6] In 1967, a brief but influential article by Lynn White, Jr. appeared in the magazine Science (vol. 155, no. 3767, pp. 1203-12, March 10, 1967). Entitled "The Historical Roots of our Ecologic Crisis," the essay would prove to be a watershed in religious thought regarding the environment. White argued that in order to successfully address the emerging environmental crises, humans must first examine and critique their attitudes toward nature. Ultimately, the essay concluded, our attitudes toward nature are rooted in our religious beliefs. As White expressed his conviction, "What people do about their ecology depends on what they think about themselves in relation to things around them. Human ecology is deeply conditioned by beliefs about our nature and destiny -- that is, by religion."(...) White focuses his analysis on Western Christianity, understood as both Protestantism and Roman Catholicism together. He asserts that this Western Christianity is "the most anthropocentric religion the world has seen". This overemphasis on anthropocentrism gives humans permission to exploit nature in a mood of indifference to the integrity of natural objects. White argued that within Christian theology, "nature has no reason for existence save to serve [humans]." Thus, for White, Christian arrogance towards nature "bears a huge burden of guilt" for the contemporary environmental crisis.(from

[7] The notion „Impasse of Moses” I modeled on the title of a book „Impasse Adam Smith” published by the contemporary French philosopher Jean-Claude Michéa, the author of a concise book “L’enseignement de l’ignorance et ses conditions modernes” (ed. Climats, 1999, 2006). This prophetic book about our sinister future remains completely unknown in the Anglo-Saxon world of fake expectations.

[8] Definitions of Ahriman given by Józef Keller in a book “Zarys dziejów Religii”, KAW Warszawa, 1988.

[9] Marek Glogoczowski „Wojna bogów – Helios-Swiatowid kontra Jahve-Hefajstos”, ed. Nowy Celsus, Kraków, 1996; edition in Slovakian „Vojna bohov”, Tlacaren Slovakov v Pol’sku, Krakov, 2003.

[10] Józef Keller „Original Christianity” in „Zarys dziejów Religii”, KAW Warszawa, 1988.

[11] This Principe of Bio-Creation, known as Lamarck’s Law, states that a repetitive activity of an organ, the mind included, makes it stronger and more performing, thus permitting a more adequate “grip” of the outside (or inside) reality.

[12] Noam Chomsky et al “Théories de langage, théories de l’apprentissage. Colloque d’octobre 1975 dans l’Abbaye de Royaaumont ; débat entre Jean Piaget et Noam Chomsky”. Paris 1976. ; in Polish edition ”Noama Chomsky’ego próba rewolucji naukowej”, tom I i II, IFIS PAN, Warszawa, 1996. In the article „Looking into the future: perspectives of the research on human mind” written in 1988, which was added to the Polish version of „Noam Chmsky’s attempt at scientific revolution”, this internationally known Revolutionary Scientific Jew shows himself as an adversary of all decent observations, from Aristotle to Pavlov, according to which „Constructions which are made by the brain are considered to be the result of few simple associative operations. ... Why intellectuals cling so much to the faith that the man is shaped by his life experience and not by his personal nature?” Such statements, including these that the learning (of a language, or of swimming) is not the product of a training, informs us that Chomsky, in a more hidden layer of his personality, behaves like „scientific gate-keeper”, by his genetically fixed nature he tries to kill all, questionning the validity of neoDarwinian dogma, mature insights how the bio-creativity works.

[13] On the topic of Richard Dawkins’ ocular troubles, which he has with a keen observation of the process of mammals’ eyes maturation, which demands a repetetive iritation (stimuli) of eyes by light, the author wrote a decade ago in English an unpublished dialogue consisting of 13 acts and titled “Syndrome of the Blind Watchmaker”. The copied above table of Darwin’s borrowings from OT is a part of “Introduction” to this significant Dialogue (the full text of this piece of literary art one may find at ).

27 lipiec 2008




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