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The American Heresy, Selfishness and Contempt For Mercy

Protestant fundamentalism originated among Anglo-Saxons because of the obligation, introduced several centuries ago in Protestant (Calvinist) sects in Britain to read the Old Testament. This resulted in judaizing of British culture, which made Britain vulnerable to the influence of Jewish extremists based on the principles of the Talmud.

The Talmud teaches that Jews are not obligated to treat non-Jews in accordance with the Ten Commandments and refers to the non-Jews (Goims) as cattle. On the other hand there, there have always been Jewish writers and thinkers, such as Israel Shahak, who openly condemned the views presented in the Talmud and saw in them the source of many misfortunes. However, radical Zionists, ruling today in Israel, apply Talmudic precepts in relation to Arabs and Persians.

Jeff’a Sharlet’s, book „The Family: The Secret Fundamentalism at the Heart of American Power” (Harper Collin, 2008, ISBN: 00605597 990), describes the heretical Christian point of view held by the elite cult of the richest Protestant fundamentalists in the US. The Cult glorifies wealth and power while it cultivates contempt for for compassion and mercy.

Reviewers claim that this book is very thoroughly documented and proves that a conspiracy of millionaires and billionaires among fundamentalist in the US is fighting to take over the world. They consider themselves “chosen” by God, as proven by their personal wealth, as result of divine grace and reward for belonging to their sect. Among them are many congressmen, generals, and government officials controlled by “The Family,” both in the United States and
In the so called “banana republics,” dominated by the US.

The author, Jeff Sarlet is so far the only journalist who succeeded in documenting the activities of the hidden elite, headquartered in Arlington, on the outskirts of Washington DC, “The Family,” at the core of American fundamentalist Protestant power, was originally created along the lines of European fascism in 1935 by Abraham Vereide, who organized the wealthy internationalist elite.

This secret “Family” elite is prospering today. Is most public activity is the annual White House – Congressional “Preayer Breakfest” innagurated during the administration of President Eisenhower, in the 1950’s. Central to the group faith are belief in the “biblical capitaliusm,” U.S. military power, and global domination by the U.S. Many operational principles are derived by studying thew methods of Lenin, Hitler, and Mao, to be applied in the name of peace in the subordination of the governments or through “regime change.”

Sharlet documents how far this secret elite deviates from the generally accepted view of Protestant fundamentalism and shows how influential it has been in the “war against terror” and earlier in the “Cold War” as well as in the “free enterprise” neo-colonial globalization. Sharlet writes that instead of asking what secret elite wants, one should inquire into what they already have done.

As Sharlet describes it, this elite treats Jesus as a kind of managing director, lobbyist, and even fascist leader. They have had an enormous impact on the beliefs of Americans in the 20th century and on U.S. imperialist policy in the 21st century, through their secret machinations which have been unsuspected by most Americans.

Practically unknown elite of Protestant fundamentalist heretics controls American nuclear arsenal and is mainly motivated by the desire to accumulate personal wealth to the greatest extent possible. One byproduct of their beliefs is a contempt for the historical view of Christianity as a religion of mercy, compassion and concern for the less fortunate. Ironically, according to Sharlet, this elite views the U.S. as having been created as a “Christian nation.” In general they make efforts to avoid clashing with Talmudic radical Zionists in the pursuit of mutually agreeable goals.

Thanks to Sharlet’s book, for the first time, American public gain insight into how an economic and political elite is able to direct U.S. policy in spite of denying the most fundamental Christian principles while considering itself a Christian organization. Their heresy elevates selfishness and lust for dominance to the level of Christian virtue.
21 lipiec 2008

Iwo Cyprian Pogonowski 



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Iwo Cyprian Pogonowski
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