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Mój dom, mój świat ...  
Tytułowa piosenka z płyty "Mój dom, mój świat" powstała tuż po obaleniu rządu Olszewskiego.
O ile refren podobał się wszystkim, o tyle zwrotki - niekoniecznie... Stąd opóźniona o prawie 20 lat premiera teledysku ... 
Szczepionka na covid ma służyć genetycznej mutacji ludzkości 
Dr. Andrew Kaufman Responds To Reuters Fact Check on COVID-19 Vaccine Genetically Modifying Humans
In the first interview the two discussed the coronavirus, they covered testing and they covered the vaccine. The video was quickly approaching 100k views but YouTube removed the video after only a couple days. This video will likely be taken down as well, because it does not conform to the establishment's narrative.

Not only did YouTube remove the previous video, Reuters, which is a massive international news publication that news sites from all over the world obtain their talking points from, published a fact checking report attempting to debunk Dr. Kaufman's claims that the new COVID-19 DNA vaccine would genetically modify humans. In this must see report, Dr Kaufman responds to the Reuters ‘fact checking’ report.
Kolejna odsłona protestów w Londynie 
Policja starła się 28 listopada z protestującymi przeciwko blokadom na Oxford Street, gdzie aktywiści rzucali butelkami i szarżowali przez szeregi funkcjonariuszy, co doprowadziło do ponad 60 aresztowań.

Oddolna grupa aktywistów Save Our Rights UK zaplanowała serię demonstracji, które miały odbyć się w ciągu weekendu w Londynie, aby zaprotestować przeciwko drugiej narodowej blokadzie. 
Ludobójstwo COVID- konferencja w Wiedniu 23 październik 2020 
Znieść wolności obywatelskich,
Zniszczyć gospodarki,
Zamknąć małe i średnie przedsiębiorstwa,
Oddzielić, izolować i terroryzować członków rodziny,
Zubożyć ludzi, w tym zniszczyć miejsca pracy,
Usunąć dzieci z ich rodzin,
Internować dysydentów do obozach koncentracyjnych,
Udzielać immunitetu urzędnikom rządowym do popełnienia przestępstw: zabójstwo, gwałtu i tortur (Wielka Brytania),
Wykorzystać policję, wojsko i najemników do kontroli populacji,
Zmusić populacje do szczepień niemedyczną szczepionką zawierającą mechanizmy kontroli populacji bez ich świadomej zgody 
świetne analizy polityczne i gospodarcze w skali mikro i makro + anty-NWO 
Starsza kobieta łapie kij, odpycha przerażającego testera COVID  

Pandemia covid nigdy nie istniała 
Ogłoszony w 2020 roku apel 33 lekarzy z całego świata należących do sojuszu World Doctors Alliance, w którym ostrzegają przed ryzykiem związanym z nowymi eksperymentalnymi szczepionkami na Covid-19, wyjaśniają na jakiej zasadzie one działają i co dokładnie czyni je tak niebezpiecznymi.  
Czy w “szczepionkach anty-Covid” znajdują się hydrożele magneto-reaktywne? 
Magnesy i monety są przyciągane przez miejsca “zaszczepienia” 
Dowody na zbrodnię ludobójstwa szczepionkowego są nawet w bazie VAERS  
To jest artykuł z maja 2013 roku!
i dotyczy wszystkich - wcześniejszych szczepień.  
"Górale to męczą konie" 
Powiedziałam prezesowi (Kaczyńskiemu), że górale bardzo na nich liczą, to są ich wyborcy, a prezes odpowiedział mi na to: "Górale to męczą konie". Byłam w szoku, że przy tak ważnym temacie gospodarczym mówi takie rzeczy - relacjonuje posłanka. 
Wygadał się 
Bush junior zrównał napaść na Irak z wojną na Ukrainie
"Decyzja jednego człowieka o przeprowadzeniu całkowicie nieuzasadnionej i brutalnej inwazji na Irak. Chodzi mi o Ukrainę." 
Finansowany przez Google zespół „sprawdzający fakty” wydaje się być garstką fikcyjnych Hindusów w zubożałym miasteczku niedaleko Bangladeszu 
Czy wirus istnieje? Czy SARS-CoV-2 został wyizolowany?  
Wywiad z Christine Massey. Czy wirus istnieje? Odpowiedzi na te prośby potwierdzają, że nie ma zapisów o izolacji / oczyszczeniu SARS-CoV-2 „wykonanej przez kogokolwiek, gdziekolwiek i kiedykolwiek”.  
Po tych szczepionkach 12-15 letnie dzieci umierają na krwotoki mózgu, zawały serca, niewydolność serca 


Rosja zrujnowała biznes złodziejom syryjskiej ropy 
... rosyjskie lotnictwo wielokrotnie (60 razy) i niezwykle intensywnie zbombardowało rakietami balistycznymi pozycje Daesh na pustyni syryjskiej..Wydaje się jednak, że sukcesem było zniszczenie na pełną skalę zaplecza i sprzętu handlarzy ropą na terenach okupowanych przez Turków, na północnych syryjskich przedmieściach Aleppo... 
WHO to zbrodnicza organizacja terrorystyczna, należy ją zniszczyć 
Obecnie dziesiątki tysięcy ludzi na całym świecie pracuje nad ujawnieniem prawdy o WHO i rozpowszechnianiem informacji o jej zbrodniczych działaniach 
Skazany za pestki moreli, B17  
Faszyzm w barwach demokracji 
Człowiek 2.0 
Nanoszczepienia i Transhumanizm, MODERNA w natarciu na mR 
"patriotyzm" po 1989 roku 
komentarz zbędny 
W grudniu 60 kolejnych sportowców upadło, a 40 zmarło  
Mniej więcej tak samo jak w październiku i listopadzie, kiedy trend osiągnął szczyt. Na dzień 28 grudnia 2020 r., z powodu eksperymentalnych strzałów z powodu zatrucia COVID EUA, 395 sportowców doznało zatrzymania akcji serca i innych poważnych problemów zdrowotnych. Spośród nich zginęło 232 
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Judaism: A Conspiracy Against Jews, Humanity?

content: Judaism: A Conspiracy Against Jews, Humanity?
By Henry Makow Ph.D.
November 11, 2006

By Henry Makow Ph.D.

On his web site "Crescent and Cross," Mark Glenn argues that Christianity and Islam are natural allies who are being lured into a "clash of civilizations" by Neo Con Jews (fronts for Illuminati bankers) plotting to "divide and conquer."

The father of eight children, Mark, 40, sees himself as a friend and "liberator" of the Jewish people. He believes mankind will never achieve peace until Jews are freed from bondage to their leaders' hidden agenda. Judaism is a conspiracy against both Jews and the human race.

Mark's 2003 article "Israel We Bless Thee" is a classic. When it was run by Al Jazeerah, the ADL forced the Saudi ambassador Prince Bandar to issue an apology! What an honor Mark!

Last week Glenn wrote a very provocative article entitled "Judaism is Nobody's Friend."
Why is it OK to criticize Christianity and Islam but not Judaism? he asks. After all, Judaism is at the root of Zionist excesses.

Referring to the Talmud, he argues that organized Judaism is basically antagonistic to Christianity and Islam:

"While the other two Middle Eastern faiths ...elevate the virtues of humility, charity and righteousness, Judaism legislates haughtiness, supremacism and callous disregard for other human beings...Gentiles exist to serve the Jews. Rape of gentile children, murder, lying, theft, usury, things condemned in every other religion are given full sanction in Judaism when it benefits the tribe "

"Does anyone in the room remember the Crucifixion of Jesus? Judaism s involvement in WWI and WWII? Bolshevism? The destruction of the moral, political and economic fiber of every country in the West? Hundreds of millions of dead children through abortion? The destruction of families and the elevation of sexual deviancy as a virtue?"

"And of course, last but certainly not least, the war to end all wars that is taking place in the Middle East and which bears the fingerprints of the Pharisees all over it."

"... If indeed Christianity sprang forth from Judaism, why then does Judaism maintain that Jesus was a sorcerer and a sexual deviant who suffers in hell by being boiled in a cauldron of semen and feces for daring to oppose the Rabbis and that His holy mother Miriam was a harlot who mated with carpenters ?"

"...It is all another ruse to get Christians to fight Judaism s wars on the pretext that somehow [Jews and Christians] share something in common when in truth they do not..."

"Judaism is nobody s friend, and the sooner that the rest of us Jew and non-Jew alike come to realize this, the better off we will be. Get rid of it. It is a cancer. Cut it out and throw it away, as Jesus instructed that we do. It has never and will never be of any benefit to mankind. We cannot live in any kind of peaceful co-existence with it. It is a declaration of war, and as long as it exists out there, mankind will never have peace."


I applaud Mark's courage and particularly agree when he writes: "There is only one thing that is truly sacred and beautiful in this fallen world, and that is the truth and even when it is at its ugliest "

Ultimately we are not controlled by force but by our minds. The world has become a behavior modification laboratory. "Believe what you are told not your common sense or intuition."

Gradually, we are transformed into better slaves by the education system or into slugs or demons by the mass media. A malevolent occult force controls us with lies. Elite Jews play too great a role in this process and in manipulating and suppressing the truth.

"Truth" is the heart of the argument between Jesus Christ and the Pharisee Jews. Who will define it? Who will say what is right or wrong? Man or God?

Christ said that God is Reality; i.e. Truth, Love, Goodness, Perfection self evident. There is a moral and natural order. We must eschew the call of the world (which enslaves us to our lusts) and remake ourselves as better human beings in God's image.

The Pharisees want to sever our connection to God and make us worship their "experts" instead. They say man is God. Puny monkey, man is all there is. We have no relation to God, to race, nation, family, ancestors or posterity. They distract us while secretly plotting a Talmudic tyranny based on their terror

Ultimately, this argument is about who will be God and who will own the world. Will it be God (represented by Christ or Mohammed or Moses) Or will it be the Pharisees who took control of Judaism in about 70 AD and based it on the Talmud and Kabbalah.

They use the "Chosen People" (among others) as pawns and scapegoats to advance the agenda of Illuminati central bankers. Rather than become complicit by denying it, Jews need to disassociate and oppose this agenda.


The above picture will strike many Jews as unpleasant and unjust. To understand the problem, we must turn to those branded "anti-Semites" by Jewish leaders because they don't want Jews to know the truth.

According to Edith Starr Miller, (Lady Queenborough) Pharisee Judaism is not a religion at all, but a secret society posing as a religion, a "sect with Judaism as a rite." She cites Moses Mendelssohn who wrote "Judaism is not a religion but a Law religionized."

I have also heard rabbis say the Judaism is not a religion but "a way of life." True religions oppose worldly desire and demand that we obey God. Judaism regards the accumulation of wealth and power as a sign of Divine favor. "Success" is the religion.

The God of Judaism is the Jewish people. Jehovah is the Jewish alter ego. He loves only his own tribe. Polls show most Jews don t believe in God and define themselves as "secular humanists." Man is God and will create his own heaven on earth in defiance of the Creator's bluebrint.

In a secret society, only the adepts know the real purpose. The rank and file is manipulated with warm platitudes and lies. The "innocent" who is unfit to know the "ugly truth" becomes an valiant defender of the faith and ideal recruiter. This also applies to Freemasonry which seems to be modeled on Judaism. Both secret societies advocate killing any member who reveals its secrets.

The real purpose of Judaism and all secret societies, Miller says, is to advance the agenda of the super rich.

"Regardless of their exoteric objects, the esoteric aims of most societies are all directed toward the same end, namely: the concentration of political, economic and intellectual power into the hands of a small group of individuals, each of whom controls a branch of the International life, material and spiritual, of the world today." (Occult Theocracy, p.661)

Western society, perhaps the whole world, is based on the secret society model. You cannot rise unless you are favored (or deemed useful) by the Illuminati, the highest rung of Freemasonry. We are in the position of the rank and file, lied to and manipulated.

Miller cites an expert on Judaism Flavien Brenier who compares the goals of Judaism with Freemasonry: Securing political power and gradually modifying "the conceptions of the people in the direction of their secret doctrine." (80)

Jews are correct to deny that they consider non-Jews cattle. This esoteric knowledge contained in the Talmud and Schulhan Aruch is known only to adepts. Miller has six pages of citations from these texts but I doubt if 5% of Jews are aware of them (81-87.) (See also Michael Hoffmann, "The Truth about the Talmud")

The Jewish author of a new book on the Yiddish language confirms Miller's finding: "The Jews are not merely out of step with Christian civilization, they hold it in utter contempt." (Michael Wex, Born to Kvetch, 2006, p.24)

What fault could they have with a gospel that preaches human brotherhood and putting others before yourself? Doing unto others as you would have them do unto you?

It denies their special claim.

Then what better people to use to destroy Christian civilization? Think of a child that doesn t want to grow up. One who thinks he can do anything he wants. Who doesn't have to consider others. Who is never wrong and so never admits it. Who thinks any criticism is motivated by irrational hatred i.e. "anti Semitism." Who wants the State to be his family and and tell him what to do. Think Illuminism, Communism, Modernism. Think modern man.


The cry of "anti Semitism" is often a dishonest and disingenuous way to disarm opposition to the Illuminati bankers' very real stealth plan for global dictatorship masked by sham democracy. This New World Order plan clearly states its intention to snuff out freedom, democracy, private property, family, nationhood, religion, and ultimately the human spirit.

The ideology of a chosen people suits the super rich and imperialists, who view the mass of humanity as cattle or "useless eaters". If history is any gauge, Jews and Freemasons who fall under the spell of organized Jewry will be sacrificed. You can see this in the support the Illuminati gives to both Zionist and anti-Zionists forces. Communism and Nazism were both created by the Illuminati to bring about world war and destroy each other.

Jewish self examination and soul-searching are long overdue; I welcome Mark Glenn's challenge.
22 listopad 2006

przysłał Iwo Cyprian Pogonowski 



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