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USA legalizuje tortury dorosłych i dzieci!

Bush dostał zezwolenie na seksualne torturowanie amerykańskich dzieci.

'Horror piszczących chłopców" dostaje pieczątkę od dupoliznego Kongersu i Senatu USA podczas gdzy Ameryka oficjalnie staje się dyktaturą.

Bush Given Authority To Sexually Torture American Children
The "horror of the shrieking boys" gets a rubber stamp from the boot-licking U.S. Congress & Senate as America officially becomes a dictatorship

Paul Joseph Watson/Prison | September 29 2006

Slamming the final nail in the coffin of everything America used to stand for, the boot-licking U.S. Senate last night gave President Bush the legal authority to abduct and sexually mutilate American citizens and American children in the name of the war on terror.
There is nothing in the "detainee" legislation that protects American citizens from being kidnapped by their own government and tortured.


Bush może teraz porywać dzieci i okaleczać je seksualnie w imię wojny z terrorem. "Zatrzymany" nie ma już żadnego oparcia w amerykańskiej legislaturze, co chroniłoby go i jego dzieci przez byciem porwanym przez własny rząd i torturowanym.

Kilka lu?nych notatek z poniższych artykułów. Jestem wściekła i jest już pó?no, więc dziś tyle:

Totalny szok.

Wczoraj 28 września 2006 roku w Kongresie USA ustalono że rząd może kiedy chce, nawet bez podania powodu ogłosić obywatela „enemy combatant” (nawet nie wiadomo jak to przetłumaczyć, „wrogi bojownik”? Nowomowa rodem z Orwell’a. Polecam gorąco „Rok 1984” tego wielkiego pisarza. A potem jeszcze raz przeczytać i jeszcze raz. Bo to wszystko dzieje się teraz) odebrać prawa obywatelskie, posadzić w tajnej bazie i torturować wraz z jego dziećmi.

Generalnie zakaz zgromadzeń, umożliwione demonstracje gdzieś daleko od centrum i budynków publicznych.

I jeśli krzyczysz na policjanta, oficjela, polityka itp., „aby na nich wpłynąć” idziesz do obozu śmierci. Znikasz.

FEMA założyła/przejęła setki (niektórzy mówią, że tysiące) takich więzień-obozów, które dzisiaj stoją puste i czekają na zwykłych obywateli, którzy jak za dotknięciem różdżki, zamienią się oto w podłych terrorystów. Tam będzie się zamykać niewygodnych obywateli. Niewygodnym może się stać każdy w każdej chwili.

„Jeśli jesteś aresztowany jesteś winny” mówi ustawa.

Wg Jonesa ustawa mówi, że właściwie wszystko co robi obywatel jest terroryzmem.

Rząd nadal może cię tam trzymać nawet jak zostaniesz uwolniony od zarzutów!

Nie wolno ci powiedzieć nikomu gdzie jesteś, bo to jest terroryzm i za to też jesteś karany.

Nie masz żadnych praw, nie ma procesu, nie ma „niewinny dopóki nie udowodni ci się winy”.


Cassel: If the president deem s that he’s got to torture somebody, including by crushing the testicles of the person’s child, there is no law that can stop him?

„Jeśli prezydent uważa, że musi kogoś torturować, włączywszy w to miażdżenia jąder dziecka tej osoby, to nie ma żadnego prawa które może go powstrzymać?”

Yoo: Nie”

Nie mam siły. Idę zwymiotować. Kondycja ludzka już na amen legła w rynsztoku.


Yale Law Professor Bruce Ackerman states in the L.A. Times, "The compromise legislation....authorizes the president to seize American citizens as enemy combatants, even if they have never left the United States. And once thrown into military prison, they cannot expect a trial by their peers or any other of the normal protections of the Bill of Rights."

Similarly, law Professor Marty Lederman explains: "this [subsection (ii) of the definition of 'unlawful enemy combatant'] means that if the Pentagon says you're an unlawful enemy combatant -- using whatever criteria they wish -- then as far as Congress, and U.S. law, is concerned, you are one, whether or not you have had any connection to 'hostilities' at all."

We have established that the bill allows the President to define American citizens as enemy combatants. Now let's take it one step further.

Before this article is dismissed as another extremist hyperbolic rant, please take a few minutes out of your day to check for yourself the claim that Bush now has not only the legal authority but the active blessings of his own advisors to torture American children.

The backdrop of the Bush administration's push to obliterate the Geneva Conventions was encapsulated by John “torture” Yoo, professor of law at Berkeley, co-author of the PATRIOT Act, author of torture memos and White House advisor.

During a December 1st debate in Chicago with Notre Dame professor and international human rights scholar Doug Cassel, John Yoo gave the green light for the scope of torture to legally include sexual torture of infants.
Cassel: If the president deems that he’s got to torture somebody, including by crushing the testicles of the person’s child, there is no law that can stop him?
Yoo: No treaty.
Cassel: Also no law by Congress — that is what you wrote in the August 2002 memo…
Yoo: I think it depends on why the President thinks he needs to do that.

Click here for the audio.

So if the President thinks he needs to order children's penises to be put in vices, there is no law that can stop him and after last night's vote, the Senate and Congress, exemplified by sicko 16-year-old boy groomer Mark Foley (R-FL), has graciously provided Bush its full support for kids around the world to be molested in the name of stopping terror.

Yoo's comments were made before the passage of the torture legislation last night. Up until that point Bush had merely cited his role as dictator-in-chief as carte-blanche excuse for ordering torture - now his regime have the audacity to openly put it in writing - going one step further than even the Nazis did.



Drugi artykuł:

Ustawa o torturach stwierdza że brak wierności Bush'owi to akt terrorystyczny.

Torture Bill States Non-Allegiance To Bush Is Terrorism
Legislation tolls the bell for the day America died, birth of the dictatorship

Paul Joseph Watson & Alex Jones/Prison | September 29 2006

Buried amongst the untold affronts to the Bill of Rights, the Constitution and the very spirit of America, the torture bill contains a definition of "wrongfully aiding the enemy" which labels all American citizens who breach their "allegiance" to President Bush and the actions of his government as terrorists subject to possible arrest, torture and conviction in front of a military tribunal.


After five hours of searching through the 80-plus page bill, Alex Jones, who won the 2004 Project Censored award for his analysis of Patriot Act 2, uncovered numerous other provisions and definitions that make the bill appear as almost a mirror image of Hitler's 1933 Enabling Act.

In section 950j. the bill criminalizes any challenge to the legislation's legality by the Supreme Court or any United States court. Alberto Gonzales has already threatened federal judges to shut up and not question Bush's authority on the torture of detainees.

"No court, justice, or judge shall have jurisdiction to hear or consider any claim or cause of action whatsoever, including any action pending on or filed after the date of the enactment of the Military Commissions Act of 2006, relating to the prosecution, trial, or judgment of a military commission under this chapter, including challenges to the lawfulness of procedures of military commissions under this chapter."

30 wrzesień 2006

Dorota Szczepańska 



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