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Israel refuses to extradite alleged war criminal

Says statute of limitation has run out

by The Ukrainian News

Israel, on Dec. 7, refused to extradite an accused war criminal to face trial in Poland, stating that the statute of limitations had run out on the case and Canada's Ukrainian community has reacted with fury.

A Dec. 7 Associated Press story carried by several Canadian newspapers, among them The Toronto Star and The Calgary Herald reported that Israel's Justice Ministry had refused to extradite Solomon Morel, who commanded a camp for German prisoners in southern Poland, allegedly tortured inmates and was considered responsible for at least 1,538 deaths.

Poland requested Morel's extradition in April on charges of beating and torturing prisoners and creating inhuman conditions at the Swietochlowice camp, which he commanded from February to November 1945, stated AP.

Israel refused the request last month, saying the statute of limitations had run out on the case.

A spokeswoman for the Polish Justice Ministry, Barbara Makosa-Stepkowska, said the charges against Morel failed to meet the definition of genocide under Israeli law, according to the AP story.

She said Israel's decision ends the case in Poland, which lacks the power to appeal. Morel could only be arrested if he left Israel, Makosa-Stepkowska said.

The investigation into Morel, begun in 1992, was the only one in Poland against a Jew accused of retaliating against the Germans after their defeat.

Polish investigators said "extremely bad conditions" at the camp, including hunger, overcrowding and epidemic diseases, led to an unspecified number of deaths.

Morel, who lost his parents and two brothers during the war, moved to Israel in 1994, according to AP.

"The Canadian government can denaturalize and deport people without even proving that these individuals committed any crime. But Israel has a statute of limitations for war crimes. Shame on Canada and shame on Israel," wrote Mary Radewych of Etobicoke, whose father Vasyl Odynsky faces deportation even though the government has not brought any charges of war crimes against him, in a letter to The Toronto Star.

"How shocking that Israel would not allow for the extradition of a communist mass murderer but insists on the rest of the world bringing alleged Nazi war criminals to justice," echoed Dr. Jerry Grod, whose wife Olya is another daughter of Odynsky's, in another letter to The Star.

"What a surprise to read about the double standard in Israel with respect to the extradition of alleged war criminals," wrote Stefan Lemieszewski of Coquitlam, BC in yet another letter.

"Israel demands the extradition of Mr. John Demjanjuk from U.S.A. and proceeds with a show trial in a theatre court in Israel. But when it comes to alleged war criminals living in Israel, like Solomon Morel, Israeli statute of limitations result in harbouring alleged war criminals. And the Canadian government is pressured into spending millions on commissions and deportation and denaturalization policies because of alleged Nazi war criminals living in Canada. It just doesn't make sense!" he said.

"To fend off accusations of hypocrisy and double standards, the Jewish state can simply do what Canada did in 1987, under heavy pressure from various Jewish lobbies, moreover: Draft a special retroactive, extraterritorial law whereby Solomon Morel could be extradited to Poland to face his accusers," offered Orest Slepokura of, Strathmore, AB.

"That Israel would refuse to extradite Mr Morel to Poland, there to finally stand trial for his murderous deeds, allowing him to instead hide behind the expiration of a statute of limitations, is indefensible. How can organizations like the Simon Wiesenthal Center, or B'Nai Brith, or the World Jewish Congress, who have together orchestrated such a concerted demand for bringing alleged Nazi war criminals to justice, now allow such offensive hypocrisy in Tel Aviv go unchallenged?" wrote Calgarian Borys Sydoruk in a letter to The Herald.
13 maj 2003

przesłała Elżbieta 



Deficyt budżetu po czerwcu wyniósł 62,5%
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"Czerwony książe" uciekł .....
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Polski nie ma, jest za to "Osten Israel"!
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Artur Łoboda
Euroentuzjaści czyli strach przed wolnoscią
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przesłała Elżbieta
Politycy na front
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o pisaniu
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Po co lustracja?
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Tak się kolonizuje podbite gospodarczo narody
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Marcin Gesing
Pius X - papież polskiego pochodzenia
grudzień 14, 2002
Irak jest zagrożeniem dla Kwaśniewskiego !
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Przywrócić Polakom nadzieję. DO POLAKÓW I ŻYDÓW W POLSCE I NA ŚWIECIE
marzec 15, 2003
Ja powiem tak
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. bez podpisu
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Iwo Cyprian Pogonowski
Balcerowicz przed Trybunał Stanu
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Jeden z najbogatszych biznesmenów skazany na 2 lata
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Oświadczenie Unii Polityki Realnej w sprawie Partii Wolności p. Jerzego Haidera
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