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Starsza kobieta łapie kij, odpycha przerażającego testera COVID  

Chcą całkowitej eksterminacji wszystkich Palestyńczyków 
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Stan na październik 2021.
Działania Izraela w Strefie Gazy to ludobójstwo Palestyńczyków 
Termin „ludobójstwo” powinien nas zatrzymać. Bo takich słów nie rzuca się na wiatr. My nie rzucamy ich na wiatr. Mamy wynikającą z badań pewność, że działania sił izraelskich w Strefie Gazy to najpoważniejsza ze zbrodni, jaką można popełnić na ludzkości. 
"Służę ludziom, nie instytucjom" 
Główny komisarz policji w Dortmund w przemówieniu do narodu niemieckiego…

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Jego płuca były „pełne skrzepów krwi”. James Whale ujawnia, że ​​otrzymał transfuzję krwi, ale to nie zadziałało.
We wrześniu ubiegłego roku prezenter radiowy napisał, że nie może się doczekać kolejnego zastrzyku. „Wszyscy przeciwnicy szczepień, wszyscy idioci, wszyscy szaleńcy, którzy mnie trollują, wiecie, co możecie zrobić?  
Wielkie pytania o 9/11 
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Kaczyński również nas w to wciągnął 
Zbrodnie wojskowe w Iraku 
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Prawda o włoskiej "epidemii" - rozmowa z biologiem Elżbietą Wierzchows 
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To nie jest pomysł Dana Browna na nową powieść, ale wydarzenie, które umknęło uwadze mediów w Polsce, a oznacza wsparcie Watykanu dla potężnych postaci świata finansów i przemysłu, deklarujących działania na rzecz przemiany systemu gospodarczego współczesnego świata.  
Obecna powódź w Hiszpanii to skutek działań lewaków z Unii Europejskiej 
W 1957 roku w dorzeczu rzeki Turia przepływającej przez miasto Walencja w Hiszpanii i która spowodowała co najmniej 81 ofiar śmiertelnych.
Ówczesne władze Hiszpanii zbudowały system zapór, które miały chronić miasta hiszpańskie.
Za pieniądze z UE lewacy wyburzyli wiele z tych obiektów, bo były "nieekologiczne".
Zełenski kupił sobie dwa jachty 
Ukraiński "Sługa narodu" i jego żona - kupują sobie bogactwa. Skąd mają pieniądze? 
Wzrost o 6000% zgonów spowodowanych szczepieniami w pierwszym kwartale 2021 r. w porównaniu z pierwszym kwartałem 2020 r 
Jak można się spodziewać, gdy nowe eksperymentalne „szczepionki”, które nie zostały zatwierdzone przez FDA, otrzymają zezwolenie na stosowanie w nagłych wypadkach w celu zwalczania „pandemii”, która ma obecnie ponad rok, liczba zgonów po zastrzykach tych zastrzyków gwałtownie wzrosła w Stanach Zjednoczonych. populacji o ponad 6000% na koniec pierwszego kwartału 2021 r., w porównaniu do odnotowanych zgonów po szczepionkach zatwierdzonych przez FDA na koniec pierwszego kwartału 2020 r. 
Szef WHO Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus uczestniczył w ludobójstwie Etiopczyków 
„Amerykański ekonomista David Steinman oskarżył szefa WHO, że w latach 2012-2015 był jedną z osób odpowiedzialnych za ludobójstwo w Etiopii”, informuje portal MailOnline. 
Nowa książka Sucharita Bhakdiego - przedstawiona w rozmowie z Andreasem Sönnichsenem i Martinem Haditschem 
Profesor Sucharit Bhakdi i jego żona profesor Karina Reiss opublikowali bestseller „Corona False Alarm”. Istnieje wstępny fragment nowej książki zatytułowanej „Corona unmasked”, którą można bezpłatnie pobrać z Goldegg Verlag. W dyskusji wideo zorganizowanej przez RESPEKT PLUS z profesorami Andreasem Sönnichsenem i Martinem Haditschem, Bhakdi przedstawił rozdział o szczepieniach i ich konsekwencjach. Fragment nowej książki „Corona unmasked” jest dostępny do pobrania z Goldegg Verlag  
Izrael. Historia Palestyny w XX wieku. 
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The Rise of Judeo-American "Poland"

The stuff below is unfortunately (for all thinking people on our Planet) very true. Thanks to efforts of "liberal", extinct since 16 years, Polish Comparty named PZPR; also thanks to the elected, with the help of CIA and German cardinals, Polish Pope (by the way, a close friend of my family); and above all thanks to the Polish "Solidarity" Trade Union (also, in 1980-ies, sponsored by CIA, via "Force Ouvriere" and other "rightist" Trade Unions), we arrived in Poland at the full Judaisation of the country, as observes it Tadeusz Taube from San Francisco.  

This "Judaisation" we may trace up to the present "bi-party" system here, which recalls me the "bi-partizan" system in Israel two thousand years ago. Polish "liberals" (modelling their behavior at American "Democrats"), represent the old Israeli faction of Pharisees, while the Law & Religion Loving Polish "conservatives" (ruling here at present, and imitating American "Republicans"), correspond in their spirit to the faction of Saducees in Israel two thousand years ago.  

And of course the Ukraine, as well other Mitteleuropa countries are supposed to follow the same path of the Bible-imposed development. (By the way, already 200 years ago Polish poet and patriot Julian Ursyn Niemcewicz, in a satire titled "Year 3333", predicted that Jews in Poland will not assimilate with Poles, but to the contrary, Poles will assimilate with Jewry, to form Judeopolonia extending from Baltic Sea to Black Sea!)  

From: ""
Who's one of Israel's best friends? The answer is surprising - Poland By: Tad Taube SAN FRANCISCO, Feb. 6 (JTA)  

The newly elected president of an European country, in his first interview for that country's largest newspaper, compared himself to Ariel Sharon to explain the policies he intends to pursue.  

His country has troops on the ground in Iraq, close military ties with Israel and a voting pattern on Middle Eastern issues in the United Nations that rests halfway between those of the European Union and the United States.  

Over the last 15 years, each of its presidents paid state visits to Israel, reciprocated by his Israeli counterparts, as have several of its prime ministers and foreign ministers. Israel events at this country's major universities draw large and positive audiences, while the rare anti-Israeli demonstrations are so small they do not even make it to the local media. And in that European country, the United States retains its position of "most-liked" in all public opinion polls.  

That country is Britain, right? But when was the last time that a British college had an Israel day? And come to think of it, don't they have a queen, not a president?  

That country is Poland. Ever since the fall of communism, the country so many Jews love to hate has consistently pursued a pro-American and pro-Israel policy. In fact, this - and economic liberalism - has been the only consistent feature of Polish politics, with its dizzying swings of public mood.  

In the latest about-turn this fall, the Poles voted into office a conservative, nationalist and strongly pro-Catholic party, with ties to the right. And yet it was that party's victorious presidential candidate, Lech Kaczynski, who compared himself to Ariel Sharon - probably the only European leader ever to do so.  

The declarations made by Kaczynski - who makes his first official state visit to Washington this week - did not come out of the blue. Previously, as mayor of Warsaw, he was instrumental in the city's decision to allot substantial municipal funds to the building of a Museum of the History of Polish Jews in Warsaw, intended to become one of the continent's largest Jewish museums. He also brought about close cooperation between the Polish capital and Tel Aviv. As minister of justice in a previous conservative government, he decisively pushed for the full disclosure of the World War II-era massacre at Jedwabne, where a community of Polish Christians murdered their Jewish neighbors. And at a recent meeting with Jewish leaders, top advisers to the prime minister stated that the government's policy on Jewish and Israeli issues will remain positive.  

"We do not intend to give in to European political correctness on Israel," one of them said. Nor is there any talk of loosening ties with the United States - even if Poland has been called "America's Trojan horse inside of the European Union.  

"Therefore it seems that the Kaczynski administration will follow in the footsteps of previous post-Communism Polish governments. The first foreign policy decision of the new democratic Polish Parliament in 1989 was to re-establish diplomatic relations with Israel, broken off by Eastern Bloc countries (excepted Romania) in 1967 on Moscow's orders. Though the Czechs, not the Poles, became the first ex-Communist nation to send an ambassador to Tel Aviv, this was due to the fallout from a statement by then prime minister of Israel, Yitzhak Shamir, who had said that "Poles suckle anti-Semitism with their mothers' milk" - hardly an encouraging gesture. Still, Warsaw was second, after Prague - and in the meantime, became a main transit point for Soviet Jews leaving Russia for Israel. The Hungarians backed off after a terrorist attack. The Poles did not, though terrorist threats were - and remain - aplenty.  

In 1991, the mustachioed Solidarity hero-turned-president - Lech Walesa - made a state visit to Israel, the first ever by a Polish leader, or by the head of a former Soviet Bloc state. Addressing the Knesset, he asked forgiveness for evils committed by Poles against Jews in the past, and assured Israelis that modern Poland is a friend they can trust.  

Thereafter, commercial and cultural relations boomed (Israeli investments in Poland today amount to some $2 billion), youth exchange followed, and military ties came soon after. Today the Polish army is buying Israeli Spike missiles, while security services maintain a close cooperation. And though expectations by some Israeli politicians that Poland, after joining the European Union in 2004, would become "Israel's ambassador" to the continental bloc may have been overly optimistic, statements by the Polish ambassador to Israel condemning Palestinian terror have provoked howls of outrage from some of his European colleagues - and denunciations sent directly to Brussels.  

Though sincere intent to compensate for evils of the past is a significant motivation for this consistently pro-Israeli policy, it probably would not have happened without the country's intense pro-Americanism.  

Jews had reason aplenty to think bitterly of the Poland that was, and therefore mistrust the Poland that is. There is indisputably still social anti-Semitism in the country, even if local Jews say they feel safer wearing a yarmulke on the streets of Warsaw than on the streets of Paris. But mistrust is one thing, willful blindness another.  

No country on the European continent today is both as strongly pro-American and pro-Israeli as is Poland. Sure, the Poles do it partly because they believe it is in their national interest. But one would be hard pressed to find a sounder basis for a friendly partnership. Tad Taube, a San Francisco businessman born in Poland, is president of the Taube Foundation for Jewish Life & Culture and of the Koret Foundation.  
11 luty 2006

Marek Glogoczowski 



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